CHAPTER 861-870

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Chapter 861: I Want a Veto

Shen Li’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“What did you say?”

George spread his hands helplessly.

“I personally handed that application form to Mr. Ronai at noon. It’s only been a few hours since then. What would Mr. Ronai think if I were to ask for it back? More importantly, after he received the form, he forwarded it to the association. The membership selection process this time is very strict. No one is allowed to interfere in the middle of the process. This is also to ensure the fairness of the audit to the greatest extent.

“Your name should have already entered the audit list by now. Even I can’t withdraw it, so…”

So, she would definitely be participating in the membership selection this time.

Shen Li did not speak for a while.

In fact, after hearing the news from Liang Su, she had already known that this matter had basically been settled.

She had called George only because she had been holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

The result was as expected.

George really did not understand why she had such an attitude towards this matter.

“Dear, do you know how many people have applied to be a member this time? Everyone is fighting over it. You might be the only designer who has no interest in this position.”

George could not understand what was going on.

She clearly had such amazing talent.

Although the Bai City Fashion Week had only just begun, he was certain that none of the subsequent 100 shows could be compared to her “Embrace of a Star”.

There was no one else more suitable than her.

Yet, she did not want it?

He clicked his tongue lightly.

“I wanted to give you a surprise.”

A surprise?

It was more like a shock.

Now that things had come to this, Shen Li could not be bothered to continue to debate this with him.

“I seem to remember that the final decision on the selection and evaluation of this membership position is in the hands of the other twelve members. I believe there’s one from G&S as well?”

George nodded.

“Yes, it’s my father. Why is that?”

Shen Li said, “It’s nothing. It’s just that you caused this mess, so you have to be responsible for solving it. I hope to get veto votes from Mr. Compton and Mr. Ronai.”

George was stunned.

He took a deep breath and took a moment to calm himself down. There was still a hint of incomprehension in his voice.

“Ning, you’re more unpredictable than any woman I’ve ever met.”

Shen Li said,”Then it’s settled.”

According to George, hundreds of applications had been submitted to the association this time. Almost all of the top designers had gathered here.

Shen Li was not sure if she would be chosen. After all, the competition was still very fierce.

However, if she could get the veto votes from these two, she would feel more secure.

Especially since Ronai was the president and had two votes in his hands.

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