CHAPTER 261-270

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Chapter 261: Take Your Time to Write

Everyone else in the classroom started to do the questions.

The surrounding area was so quiet that Ye Ci could even hear the sound of her heart beating nervously.

Her palms were also sweaty.

For a moment, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her mind.

This exam could not be avoided, so she could only try her best.

She then picked up her pen and looked at the first question.

It was a question on thermal energy conversion.

Ye Ci stared at the question for a while and worked it out on her draft paper.

Zhou Fei had taught this type of problem in class before, but it was tough because the values in this problem were very tricky and required a lot of calculation.

After a while, Ye Ci’s answer was a negative number.

This was obviously incorrect.

She frowned and went back to check the steps, not knowing where the problem was.

After looking back and forth twice and redoing the problem, she finally wrote out the answer.

She was relieved and subconsciously looked up at the wall clock above the blackboard, only to realize that ten minutes had passed.

‘This is only the first sub-problem!’

Ye Ci’s lips turned a little pale.

The first fifteen questions on this paper were all fill-in-the-blanks.

There were ten other long questions at the back.

These fill-in-the-blank questions took up a very high percentage of marks.

If she simply filled in the blanks, it would be equivalent to abandoning this paper.

Based on her current speed, Ye Ci might not even be able to do the first long question within two hours.

The classroom was well heated, but Ye Ci felt extremely cold as she sat here.

She looked to the side, but everyone was writing with their heads down. The person on her right seemed to have finished several questions.

It seemed that she was the only one who was still stuck on the first problem.

Li Guangyuan glanced at her.

Ye Ci hurriedly lowered her head and began to look at the second question.

Time always seemed to be stretched out during an exam.

Suddenly, the sound of paper flipping rang out in the quiet classroom.

It was a subtle sound, but now, it stood out.

Some people could not help but look in the direction of where the sound had come from.

In the corner of the last row of the classroom, Ning Li had already flipped to the second page and started writing.

Many people were secretly surprised.

‘Is she…already done with the first page?!’

Ye Ci also noticed this.

Somehow, she could guess that it was Ning Li without turning around.

She looked at her own paper.

The first page had fifteen fill-in-the-blank questions and three long questions.

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