CHAPTER 1121-1130

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1121 Her Painting

The crowd fell silent for a moment as they looked at each other.

Ronai had already clearly expressed that he had no intention of reselling the painting, so why would Lu Huaiyu still make such a suggestion?

Everyone could tell how much Ronai cared about this painting. No matter who asked, he would probably still not agree.

As expected, after being momentarily stunned, Ronai still shook his head.

“Mr. Lu, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t agree to your proposal.”

Lu Huaiyu did not seem surprised by his rejection. The smile on his lips did not change.

“I know that this request is a little difficult for Mr. Ronai, but I also have my reasons for insisting on it.”

Shen Li was standing half a step behind him. The moment Lu Huaiyu opened his mouth, her gaze had already fallen on him and her heart could not help but feel like it was hanging in the air.

Lu Huaiyu–

Ronai’s brows furrowed slightly.

“What reason is that?”

Lu Huaiyu paused for a moment before smiling.

“Because… this is my girlfriend’s painting.”

Shen Li could hear her heart thumping so hard that her ears felt like they had gone numb.

The entire gallery was dead silent.

Everyone looked at Shen Li in shock.

Lu Huaiyu’s girlfriend? Wasn’t that her?

This painting was hers?

Even Ronai was shocked, and he looked over in disbelief.

“Shen Li? This is your painting?!”

How was this possible?

Her oil paintings were indeed very good, but her master was Mei Yanqing. It was a completely different style from the abstract style that was represented by Ronai!

How had this painting come from her hands?


“I saw this painting three years ago in a souvenir shop in Leland. I talked to the shop owner for a long time before he agreed to sell it to me. How could it be Shen Li…”

“In August?”

Lu Huaiyu asked.

Ronai was suddenly at a loss for words.

“If I’m not mistaken, it should have been in early August, and the store’s address is 16 Susheri Street.”

Lu Huaiyu’s tone was calm and composed.

A hint of surprise flashed through Ronai’s eyes.

Shen Li’s eyebrows twitched when she heard this.

At this moment, Lu Huaiyu turned around and looked over.

Their eyes met.

He tilted his head slightly, a lazy smile on his lips.

“I’m not mistaken, right?”

Shen Li’s grip tightened.

She had not expected Lu Huaiyu to even know about this. How on earth had he…?

After what seemed like a long time, yet also like a brief moment, Shen Li let out a sigh.

“You’re right.”

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