10. So Fucking Mortifying

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Charlie's POV

The rest of the night was a blur.

I woke up the next morning—scratch that, next afternoon, as it was already nearing two, with a massive headache as sunlight burned into my face. I didn't notice it at first, but an arm was draped over my body.

From an instant, I knew whose arm that belonged to.

I turned to see a sleeping Ace, half of his face obscured by his pillow. The corners of my lips rose into a smile.

He was so cute when he was sleeping. Well, he's cute all of the time in my opinion, but more so when he's sleeping.

I slowly and carefully moved his tattooed arm from my waist and set it down beside him. I would have loved to remain in bed longer, but my annoyingly throbbing head was making it difficult to exist right now.

There had better be aspirin in this house.

"Where are you going?" Ace's sleepy voice asked me.

I turned to face him. "My head hurts." I groaned, my right hand consoling my temple.

"The nightstand." He mumbled.

I turned to look over on the nightstand to see a bottle of water and a tiny bottle of aspirin.

Thank god.

I reached down to pop two aspirins before chasing it down with water.

"Now come back to bed." Ace muttered.

I happily complied, sliding back into the place where I had just gotten up from. Ace slipped his arm around me again, moving his face towards me and setting it down on my left shoulder.

"Should we go get some breakfast?" I asked him in a whisper.

He shushed me. "Shhh, let's just stay here all day."

I melted into his embrace.

Adelaide's POV

The sound of seagulls annoyed me awake. Silently, I cursed them before finding the strength to get out of bed and go shower.

The time on my phone read 2:21pm, which is why I was surprised that nobody had woken me up. Then again, they're all probably still sleeping.

Charlie was the first to go to sleep last night—By last night, I mean this morning, as in early this morning. I'm not sure of the exact time, all I know is that most of us didn't go to bed until dawn—Clayton, Ryan and Ace had carried Charlie upstairs to his bed, almost dropping him a few times.

Then Allegra went home after calling her stepbrother, Connor to come and pick her up. He was not pleased about driving around at the witching hour.

Nevaeh went to bed after that, then followed Ace, leaving Isaiah, Nora, Ryan, Clayton and yours truly, moi. It was a pretty good night, not going to lie.

After showering, i made my way to see if Ace was awake so he could make some breakfast. When it comes to cooking, I am majorly incompetent. Ace, on the other hand, was great at not burning food.

I knocked on his door. "Ace, you up?"

When he didn't answer, I opened the door to find his bed empty.

Maybe he's already awake?

I closed his bedroom door and made my way to my old summer bedroom to see if Charlie was up yet.

I knocked on the door, and after a minute of no response I opened it to find Ace and Charlie sleeping. Ace's arm was wrapped around Charlie.


This is so fucking cute!

I wish I had my phone on me right now so I could take a picture.

After adoring how cute they were together, I silently closed the door shut and headed downstairs.

I guess I'll just have to head to the nearest cafe and pick up some breakfast muffins, and, of course, coffee.

As I descended the stairs, the smell of eggs and bacon wafted from the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen, I found Clayton, Nevaeh and Nora cooking. Nora was cooking the eggs, Clayton was cooking the bacon whilst Nevaeh was doing the toast.

"Oh my god, you guys are literal life savers." I said as I approached.

"You and Ace are kind enough to be letting us spend the summer with you in this amazing house, so it's the least we could do." Nora responded.

"It smells divine."

"Isaiah and that Ryan guy went out to get us all coffee, they should be back soon." Nevaeh stated.

A bunch of fucking mind readers, I love it.

Ryan's POV

"A cappuccino, three mochas, one vanilla latte, a pumpkin spice latte, two black coffees, one iced vanilla and a Frappuccino." Isaiah counted the coffee cups. "Did we miss anyone?"

"Nope, I'm pretty sure that's what everyone wants." I stated, helping him carry the cups of caffeine to the car.

I didn't drink enough alcohol last night to wake up a hangover. I did, however, suffer from major insomnia throughout the night, which left me feeling tired and lethargic. My eyes were threatening to slam shut.

"I know we just met yesterday, but you're a pretty cool person." Isaiah spoke as we clicked on our seatbelts. "Most people are stuck up twits these days."

A semi chuckle escaped from me. "Glad to know I'm not a stuck up twit."

"So, you and that guy, Charlie? You two were a thing?" He stuck the key into the vehicle's ignition.

"Yeah, only for a few months."

"What happened?" He wondered.

"He liked someone else. At first I was pissed about it, but. But I feel as though we were just meant to be friends, like, our relationship felt more like a friendship." I tried to explain as best as I could.

"That makes sense." He started the car and we headed back towards the house.

When we arrived back at the house, the food was served at the dining table. Both Isaiah and I placed everyone's coffees down on the table for anyone to grab. The cups had labels on them, so hopefully everyone reads before glugging down someone else's order.

I was eager to eat food, so I reached for a fork and dug in.

"Should someone go wake Ace and Charlie up?" Isaiah suggested.

I was too busy eating this delicious meal to go upstairs and wake up my ex and his new boyfriend.

"I guess I'll do it." Adelaide rose from her place at the table and traipsed her way to the staircase.

Charlie's POV

"Wake up!" Adelaide's voice groaned as she shook Ace awake.

"Go away." Ace groaned, his arm tightening around me.

"There's food and coffee waiting downstairs." Adelaide said.

Ace released his grip on me and rolled out of bed. Huh, that's all it takes to get him up and at em? Food and caffeine?

That neat trick may or may not come in handy for the future.

"Are you coming?" Adelaide asked me after Ace had hurried downstairs. The wording of that sentence caused me to panic beneath the covers as my body was faced towards the window—the opposite direction from the bedroom door.

"I'll be down in a minute." I assured her with a hopefully convincing smile.

"Okay." She smiled back before leaving.

Her steps receded until I could no longer hear them, after which I slumped down and I sighed.

I could feel my cheeks burning with the heat of a thousand suns.

Ace holding me while we slept seemed to have caused me to get an erection.

"This is so fucking mortifying." I groaned to myself.

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