26. I've always wanted a pet Dolphin

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Charlie's POV

I woke up the very next day with a smile on my face and a brand new mind set. Beside me, Ace stirred in his sleep, mumbling something I could not quite understand.

Smiling, I turn over and gently nudge him awake.

"Don't." He groaned.

"Wake up." I tell him, nudging him again.

"Five more minutes." He implored.

He's lucky he was cute when he was sleeping, otherwise I would shove him right off of the bed. That would wake him up for sure. He'd probably beat me up, but at least he would be awake.

I slip out of bed and throw on a shirt before heading downstairs to pour a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." Ella greeted me. She is seated at the dining table, along with Nora and Ryan, and they're all sipping from mugs of freshly brewed coffee.

"Morning." I say, retrieving a mug.

"Today is going to be epic!" Ella says.

"What's happening today?" I ask.

"We're having a beach day!" Ella squealed. "Volleyball, swimming, water fights! Day drinking!"

"What's next? Swimming with dolphins?" I say sarcastically.

"Oh my god, wouldn't that be amazing?" Nora added. "I've always wanted a pet dolphin."

"Where the hell are you going to keep a pet dolphin?" I asked her.

"In the ocean!" She says. "I wouldn't take it from it's home. But every time I'd go to the beach, she would see me and wave a fin at me."

I can't even...

"You're so ridiculous." I laughed.

"Forget a dolphin, I would totally love to have a pet shark." Ryan added. "And I would name him Chomper."

"Dude, what kind of name is Chomper? You'd obviously name him Jaws." Ella says. "Or Bruce."

Adelaide and Clayton enter the dining room, hand in hand.

"Good morning lovebirds." Says Ella, taking a slurp from her mug of coffee.

I stir sugar into my coffee with a splash of milk and head over to the table.

"Good morning everyone." Adelaide says.

A few hours later, we're all headed down to the beach together. Ace's hand is connected with mine, and I feel at home. He's my perfect summer.

"Alright, we need to split into two teams." Ella says. "Who wants to be captains?"

"Me!" I throw my hand up excitedly as I set my beach towel on the bank.

"Do you even know how to play volleyball?" Ace asked me. I release my hand from his and shove him.

"I'm not an idiot." I say, defensively. "It's just like tennis, but with hands?"

Ace chuckled.

"Okay, I guess Charlie can be a team captain." Ella says. "Who else?"

"I'll be the other team's captain." Said Ace.

"You can name your team the losers." I laugh, proceeding the pull my shirt off. I set it down next to my towel and reach for sunscreen to slather onto my body. The last thing I needed was to end up red and crispy like an over-seared steak.

"You think you'll beat me?" Ace quirked an eyebrow as I began buttering my arms with sunscreen.

"I know I will." I said confidently, not at all believing it.

He approaches and takes the sunscreen, proceeding to apply it onto my back before massaging it. "Alright, if my team wins, you have to make me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. And I'm talking pancakes, strawberries, whipped cream and syrup, the whole deal."

"Fine. But when my team wins, you have to let me ride your motorcycle." I bet.

He scoffed. "You want to ride my motorcycle?"

"What? It can't be that hard."

His hands stop massaging as he let out a laugh.


"It's not funny." I turn around and shove him.

"Alright, fine." He says.

For my team, which I named Team Venom, I had handpicked Ella, Clayton and Ryan for my team. Nora decided that she would rather not play, so she was made the judge. Which left Ace with Nevaeh, Adelaide and Isaiah on his team, which he named Team Killer.

"Ready to lose?" Ace asked me.

"Is what you said to yourself in the mirror this morning." I retorted, readying myself to serve the ball.

He chuckled at that.

I throw the ball up in the air and smack it over the net, to my surprise. Despite my over confidence, I thought for sure I'd end up bashing the ball into the net.

Ace leaped into the air to smack the ball back over to our side, scoring the first point of the game.

I groaned furiously.

Thanks to Ryan and his obvious athleticism and overall knowledge in all things sports, we managed to win the game by two points.

"In your face!" I did a victory dance in the sand.

Ace runs a hand through his sweat-slicked hair and groaned.

"That was so fun!" Ella says.

"I know right?" Says Nevaeh.

As I stop my victory dance, Ace approaches me. "I guess you get to ride my motorcycle now."

"I guess so." I say, out of breath.

I swear I have never jumped so much in my life.

"There's only one thing left to do." He says.

I raise my eyebrows at him with confusion. "What's that?" I wonder.

A devilish grin appears on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist and raises me into the air.

"Nooooo! Stop! Put me down right now!" I shouted.

He was carrying me towards the ocean with ease.

"ACE!" I warned him, but to no avail.

When we reach a deep enough—but not so deep that we couldn't touch the ground—he launches me to the waves.

Saltwater enveloped me.

When I resurfaced, I scowled in Ace's direction. He's laughing at me, like the insolent prick that he is.

I launch myself toward him and tackle him into the water.


Sorry for the short chapter!

It's been awhile since I released a chapter of this story, so I wanted to write a short one for y'all.

Also, I know I said that there were only going to be seven chapters left, but I've decided to prolong this novel a little bit longer.

I will try my best to write this story and Hating Grayson and release updates regularly.

I hope you all are well, and I'm grateful for your love and patience <3

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