Chapter 3: Sandelphon, 1, 2... 6?

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Maybe I should have listened to the briefing. Unit 01 was much bigger in person and held an intimidating aura that had never failed to send a shiver down my spine. especially now that I was looking up at it. Usually suspended in a water-like preservation substance, it was a truly towing figure now that the water had been drained. Going up through the caged elevator and really seeing up close hadn't done much to quell my anxiety, neither had getting to the top. The entry plug was already out and the hatch was open. Holy shit, this is really happening. I take a moment to look over to the observation deck situated just above the head of the EVA. NATOs there, waving and smiling at me. I'm not even given the chance to wave back before I'm being ushered into the hatch by an employee. The Inside of the plug is surprisingly uncomplicated, other than the colors its the same as the test plug. I get situated in the seat, pulling the seat belt over my lap and taking hold of the triggers. They're stiffer than what I'm used to but feel sturdy nonetheless.
"How's it feel?" I hear NATOs voice surround me in the darkness of the entry plug.
"Great!". I watch as the video window within the plug comes to life, across the bottom, a line of german text flashes quickly for a moment before the display changes to a feed of the cadge. I'm seeing through Eva's eyes.
"CONNECTION SUCCESSFUL" sounds through the cockpit.

I can feel it. My legs are standing on hard concrete and I'm being held up by scaffolding that ties me to the inside of the eva cadge. My arms are at my sides and my hands are empty. In a moment I'm more aware of the Eva's body than my own. It feels like I'm inside my own head.
"Now common, let's make this quick! We dont have much time to waste!" its NATO again but now I see a small voice bar labeled 'command' to my left. I can't help but to try and touch it. my hand goes right through it. A hologram. A map is to my left, a red dot flashes where I am and a target where I'm supposed to be. Seems simple enough.
"You ready? We're going to launch the Eva if you're sure." a breath in... and out.
"100%?" NATO grounds me.
"100%." I reply.
"5...4" As the countdown starts my anxiety rises, I'm only now aware of how sweaty my palms are as they uncomfortably slip inside the confines of the suit.
"3" breathing is hard, is that normal? I dont know if i can do this.
"2" I wonder if I'm shaking.
"Launching eva." is the last warning i'm given before the eva gets yanked up by the track. Tightly, I squeeze my eyes shut as the phantom sensation of wind tingles my skin. There's a loud metal clang that I can only assume is that of the ground hatch opening. There's no slow down. The eva stops suddenly and with enough force to have both me and my eva's head flinging back. I'm left no time to wonder if the headache I have is real or just a product of the connection.
"All right America, walk!" shaking away the vertigo, I try to follow NATO's commands. The first step is admittedly shaky. for something that I had mastered while in training, actually doing it outside of the simulation felt alien. After the first few steps and much more celebration than was probably needed I'm given a second command.
"Level 2 america! Run!" There's pride that overrides the anxiety, the adrenaline fulled giddy that fills my veins makes me jittery.
"Try not to hit too many things! Manly buildings. Those are expensive, You know!"
"No promises, but I'll try" I reply. running had been the definition of freeing, the wind, the open sky, the power of the eva, it was almost intoxicating. Checking the map, the target was getting closer, another half mile and I'd be there in no time. The blue line of the horizon deepens to reveal a large fleet of army ships, maybe 7? As I get closer a twinge of dread plucks at my heart. There's the angel but there's also the sixth eva?
"Hey NATO?" I slowed down to a halt just short of the beach. "There's another eva."


"Hey NATO? There's another eva."
"Shit, uhh yeah- i'm aware." UN's concerned frantic voice comes out scratchy through the phone. "Hang on for a minute, america." NATO leans into the microphone. "Were trying-" the commotion behind him in the control room is distracting. A loud clang comes from somewhere he can't figure out. "To get a..." a visual? a plain? He struggles to find the words he needs. "-A grip on the situation." NATO pushes his sunglasses back up his sweat slick nose. Grumbling to himself, he cruse's and wonders why Ivan couldn't have picked a better time to have acted out. Turning to the worker at the control pad beside him NATO asks rather annoyed. "Get that eva on the channel! Then the three of us can talk it out!"
"Uh! We can't" the worker meagerly squeaks out.
"What do you mean you can't!?" he snaps. Shrinking into there chair, the worker adjusts his own glasses before continuing
"Unit 06 is off the grid at the moment, the only way to contact it would be externally!" NATO takes a moment to think, looking vacantly at the screen.
"Then that's how well contact him," he takes a firm hold of the microphone. "America! There's been a change of plains!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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