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(this entire fanfiction is just if evangelion and country humans had a baby... so keep that in mind while reading (very shameless) if you dont know evangelion dont worry, its not about the characters and all world building stuff will be explained in due time. Anyways please enjoy)

"In 1917 after the fall of the Romanov family-" I'm not listening. History has never been my strongest subject and I'm definitely not going to start putting any effort into it now. Looking down I trace old lines in the cracks of the desk with a pencil. I'd done it so often that the crack was starting to become more of a dark crevasse.

I glanced over for a moment to japan. My classmate and more importantly, soon to be polit number 02. Whoever picked her for the job, most likely UN, had known what they were doing. Japan was more than a model pilot; she was a model student as well.

Her eyes are straight ahead and focused. Every now and then she scribbles down notes in a neat, pristine, and almost full notebook. Had the teacher even told us to take notes? I'm like, 90% sure she hadn't. The way Japan is sitting almost makes me snort. Her back is perfectly straight and her feet are planted firmly and completely on the ground, its so 'to the books' that its silly.

"Hana..." I whisper towards her. No reaction. "Hana..." a little louder. "Hanna!" her head snaps to look at me on the third try. Damn, woman. I almost had to yell at you!
"Ame? What do you want?" Japan's eyebrows knit together; she almost looks concerned but I can tell she's more annoyed by the way her shoulders scrunch up.
"Aren't you excited for training today?" I sure was. NATO had promised us that we'd get to actually use the Evas today instead of the simulation. She glares at me before fixing her face.
"Is that what you wanted to bother me for? Of course I'm excited, but that excitement is for after school."
"You're no fun." I groan. Turning around, I look at myself in the window.

rugged dirty blond hair, blue eyes, relatively nice skin. I click my tongue and grin. Dimples too! Its a wonder you handsome devil that your still single. But then again even if someone did like me; countries weren't allowed to date humans. It was always strange to see myself this way. In this form My stars and stripes were gone... Along with my teeth but maybe that's godsend. I had the luck to inherit my dad's sharp canines, the amount of times I'd bitten my tongue I couldn't count. Just then the speaker flared to life. A horrid wine followed by angry static catches my attention, along with my teacher scrambling to pause the video. An unscheduled announcement? The scratchy voice of the principal cuts the live wire and disturbs the peace.
"Would Amy Brown and, uh... Hana Hirokazu please come to the office. I repeat, Amy brown and Hana Hirokazu please come to the office." fun.

"I Call Shotgun!"
"Wait What!? You got it last time!" japan shrieks as we run toward the old, gray blue 1976 camaro. What a great disguise! And a piece of junk! In its 10 years the poor thing had been totaled more times than one Could count. All by the UN... thankfully when I got to the car and scrambled to get into the front passenger seat I found NATO on the driver's side.

200 pounds of straight mussel wrapped up and a tight shirt and army cargo pants would be the most accurate way to describe him. Lounging back in the seat with his arm hanging out the open window, he smiled at us both and huffed out a laugh at Japan cramming herself into the back seat with both our backpacks. God, he's so cool.

He's the one who I'd modeled my iconic sunglasses look after, if I were allowed to wear them at school I totally would. Japan pants, the heat of summer having obviously got to her.
"Why'd you pick us up early," she takes a deep breath to finish her sentence. "I thought we were on schedule?"
"You were, but-" he turns on the car and despite knowing that he had to have driven it here, I'm still surprised by the loud growl and pleasant rumble of the engine."there's been a change of plains" he twists trying to pull out of the parking spot, mussels in his arm flexing as he dose. I can't wait to be that strong. He clarifies "We're going to have to speed things up, I mean."

"Why?" Japan chimes in from the back seat.
"Actually, yeah, why? Last time we talked with WHO he said that we were anything, we were ahead of schedule." I can feel the breeze from the open window russell my hair. unconsciously i try to copy NATO's position.
"I was gettin' to it- damn." he lets out a breathy laugh but there's a nervousness behind it. "There's been a very important decision made that's going to change a lot of things round' here. You've heard of the CDUS3?" no.

"In passing." i lie " not quite sure who it is tho-"
"Probably cuz its not a person. Its Nerv's sister organization." Nerv, with headquarters all over the world. Its what every country works towards. Though a select few would ever be chosen. One for each continent. Being chosen to pilot an eva(or as the UN called it an "ultimate all-purpose humanoid decisive battle weapon: Evangelion." precise as he ever was) was a massive accomplishment. Almost as big as the eva's themselves, Colossal, for lack there a better word robots, strong enough to take down angels; large violent creatchers that seemed to attack at random and cause massive amounts of destruction and loss of life. In recent years the angel attacks had been ramping up, more frequent and with tougher angels.

The new generation of pilots had already been chosen. Me, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and Germany. While most pilots, like my dad UK, started around age 25, WHO felt it was important to start the new generation earlier. As in next year Earlier. 18 and A pilot, how nice will that look on my resume!

"'Sister organization'?" Japan questions.
"Until 1950 Nerv and CDUS3, or CDUSSS or the Continental Defense under the Union of Soviet Socialist states,-" he says quickly in one breath before gasping. "-if you wanna get real specific, though its quite a mouthful, Used to be just Nurv. but then the cold war n' well... a whole bunch of other gunk happened and those damn communists decided it'd be better to go all hermit kingdom on us and pull out... and with em" NATO annoyedly huffs. "They took an Eva."
"Are they merging back?"
"Not quite. We're hoping to completely dissolve the CDUS3 back into Nurv but just because they were with us for some time doesn't mean they've stayed the same. From what i've heard and I haven't heard much, the technology is completely different and the Eva that they do have is a patchwork mess."
"Oh yeah?" i ask.
"Probably because of what happened to Soviet." he mumbles.
"Soviet? What about?"
"Ah, dont worry bout' it. He was an old pilot and that's sides' the point. The point being we gave em' an ultimatum! A: shut down the CDUS3 and completely nullify any defenses relating to the Eva. or B, the much better decision: send over the polit and the eva for joint training, let us take control of your facility, and will send both back before the end of the year better than when you gave em' to us."

now it all makes sense. Id never personally had any training overseas but from what Japan and Germany had complained about, I'd picked up that the soviet union and its satellite states had been completely off limits. You weren't allowed to step even a foot inside of them and if it was because they had their own eva that it now made sense.

"So?" I ask, wondering if communits have any sense.
"Heads up for Ivan Lovalinski and the big red machine!"
So the russkis do know what's good for em'!

Sink rate training with Japan is unevental, so is the rest of the afternoon.
Say, does that name sound familiar?

(Ok I know that this was a very info packed chapter but I promise the next one will be less of an info dump! Thank your for reading btw! Means the world! Also I know I suck at describing characters I'll have some art next chapter that will hopefully help with visualizing them)

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