A Promise Forever

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Wei Ying stood outside the restaurant, anticipation coursing through her veins. She was thrilled to be meeting Lan Zhan for a dinner date, unaware of the surprise he had in store for her. Little did she know that this evening would mark a significant milestone in their relationship.

As Wei Ying entered the restaurant, she spotted Lan Zhan standing near a beautifully decorated table. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. He held a small box in his hands, concealing a precious treasure.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan greeted her, a warmth in his voice that made her heart flutter. "I'm so glad you could join me tonight."

Wei Ying beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Of course, Lan Zhan. I wouldn't miss this for the world."

As they settled into their seats, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Lan Zhan's gaze never wavered from Wei Ying, his love evident in every glance and gesture.

Over the course of the evening, they reminisced about their journey-the challenges they had overcome, the growth they had experienced, and the unwavering love that had blossomed between them. It was a time of reflection, reaffirming the depth of their connection.

As dessert arrived, Lan Zhan took a deep breath, his eyes locked with Wei Ying's. He opened the small box, revealing a delicate ring nestled within.

"Wei Ying," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "From the moment we met, my heart knew that you were the one. You have brought immense joy and light into my life, and I cannot imagine a future without you by my side."

Wei Ying's breath caught in her throat, tears glistening in her eyes. She could hardly believe what was happening.

"Lan Zhan..." she whispered, her voice filled with love.

He continued, his voice laced with sincerity, "Wei Ying, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you walk this path with me, hand in hand, for the rest of our lives?"

Tears spilled down Wei Ying's cheeks as she nodded, unable to find words to express the overwhelming love in her heart. She reached out, her hand trembling, as Lan Zhan slid the ring onto her finger.

"Yes, Lan Zhan," she finally whispered, her voice filled with certainty. "I will marry you. I choose you, now and forever."

In that moment, the restaurant seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them immersed in their love and the promise they had made. The world seemed to hold its breath, honoring their commitment.

Their hearts soared as they sealed their engagement with a tender embrace, knowing that their love would continue to grow and flourish, transcending any obstacle that might come their way.


The morning sun bathed Wei Ying and Lan Zhan in its golden glow as they prepared to share the joyous news of their engagement with their families. Excitement bubbled within them, eager to seek the blessings and support of their loved ones.

Hand in hand, they entered the familiar halls of Yunmeng Jiang, their smiles radiant with love and anticipation. They were greeted by the warmth of their family members, who sensed something special in the air.

With hearts beating in unison, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stood before their families, their eyes filled with adoration for one another. They took a deep breath, ready to share the momentous news that would shape their future.

Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu exchanged knowing glances, their hearts already aware of the depth of their youngest child's love for Lan Zhan. Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng, too, could sense the blossoming connection between the two.

"We have something important to share," Lan Zhan began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "Wei Ying and I are engaged. We have decided to spend our lives together, supporting and loving one another."

A hushed silence filled the room as the words sank in. The air seemed to shimmer with a mix of surprise, joy, and anticipation. Slowly, smiles broke across the faces of their family members, and the room erupted in celebration.

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