🧸🩹 hoseok ¡! ❞ sick

365 12 3

[requested by LelaiGul]


if anyone else is waiting for their request, please let me know here! i could have accidentally lose it somewhere between the other requests!



hoseok gets sick in the soop, and the rest of bangtan (especially yoongi) takes care of him.


"me!!!" jimin yells, rushing over to the ball that barely got over the net.
"aigoo, namjoon-ah! stop doing it on purpose, i know you can serve better!" seokjin shouts as soon as the ball touches the ground, scoring another point for namjoon's team.
the leader only shrugs in response, a mischievous smirk growing on his face.
hoseok laughs upon hearing their bickering, a light-hearted smile lingering on his lips.

they decided to play volleyball as an act of celebrating their day off. day off the camera, a day off the eyes of millions of people. it felt nice, especially since their filming schedule lately was hectic, more than usual. everything due shootings for in the soop, a show that was basically about a bunch of cameramen following the boys around, documenting their daily life.
it could get suffocating, their manager understood the pressure. they obviously were getting their days off, privacy days. no cameras or microphones allowed.

everybody was enjoying themselves. the cool evening breeze felt refreshing against their skin, occasional blows of delicate wind playing with their hair.
but for some reason, the same cool breeze that made the others feel nice also was making hoseok shiver. he didn't know why, he wasn't cold.

he was generally feeling slightly off the whole day, a slight migraine prickling at his temples in response to louder sounds, and his stomach twisting into a tight knot at the sight or smell of food.
he thought he just got too excited for their day off, they worked really hard after all. he wanted to believe that it was just all the built-up stress wearing off. he was sure that those symptoms will subside by the end of the day.

yet if anything, they only got worse.
now the sunshine boy was getting dizzy and nauseous, even if he covered it with a huge grin on his face. he didn't need anyone to fret over him. they all deserved rest and hoseok didn't want to add up to their burdens, especially if it was something as insignificant. he was just going down with some cold. he could have caught it the other day when they were swimming in a lake, the water ice-cold. that probably wasn't the smartest idea, hoseok figured.

"watch out!" someone screams.
hobi turns around just in time to catch the ball, his reflexes faster than his conscience. he blinks down at the ball in his hands, trying to process what happened.
yoongi clears his throat. "you're supposed to pass it. not catch it."
the rest chuckles.
"you alright there, hobi-hyung?" jungkook asks yet his tone remains carefree.

and suddenly, hoseok sneezes.
"ew, bacteria!" jin waves his hands around jokingly, in an attempt to fan the infected air back to hoseok.
"hyung, what if he's allergic to volleyball?" jimin questions, his eyes wide as he acts along. everyone laughs again, and hoseok nods at them dismissively.
"if anything, i'm allergic to you guys. please, continue playing, i'll be inside." he passes the ball back to the nearest player, which happened to be taehyung.

they all exchange a glance, the atmosphere growing serious immediately.
"did we offend him?"
"hey, hyung!" jungkook yells after him. "we were only messing around! we're sorry if we said something wrong!"
hoseok shakes his head. "it's not about that. i just got bored. but you can continue the game, seriously. now you have 3vs3 players."

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