She's Back

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Did Devin just say he'll do anything for me? Can I say swoon!!!??? Oh my gosh, I literally wanted to melt on him, but instead I pulled away. Why did I do that?

"That's sweet, Devin. You are the best friend a girl could have", I said to him while holding his hand.

"Yeah, I know," Devin says, sounding conceited.

"Okay, don't get too full of yourself, kay?"

"Lynn, I'm just playin' with you," he says, cracking up.

While he does that, he suddenly stopped laughing as if he'd saw a ghost.

I turned around and saw the last person I expected to see.


You guys are probably wondering why I stopped laughing. Well, I saw the girl who broke my heart. Sierra. We used to go out in 9th grade, until I caught her kissing another boy at school. I immediately broke up with her, even after she cried when I told her I was gonna break up with her. Lynn was there for me after I broke up with Sierra, she came home with me that day just to make sure I was ok. I really liked Sierra and she knew that but still she cheated. Lynn was so mad at her and wanted to fight her, but I had to beg her not to cuz she'll get in trouble. Sierra then did something I really wished she didn't.


Hey, my name is Sierra. I have curly brown hair with natural caramel- colored highlights that stops halfway down my back. I am Black and White, but that doesn't really matter. I'm lightskinned, 5'3 1/2, and I have icy blue eyes. If Amberlynn thinks she has a chance with Devin, she's sadly mistaken. First of all, I'm way prettier than she is and second of all I know Devin wants me back. Who wouldn't? I'm Devin's ex, but I'm back to collect what's mine. Don't you think I know that Amberlynn likes him? Well, I do, but I'm not gonna say anything cuz I want him back.

I smirked when Devin looked at me and I made my way over to where him and Amberlynn were standing. Amberlynn was making up her face, like she ain't never seen me before.

"Hi Amberlynn, since you gonna stare like you lost something, darling." I know she didn't like that cuz she clenched her fists like she was gonna do something.

"Sierra, why are you here?", Devin asked, looking annoyed. "I thought you moved after 9th grade."

"Hi, Vin", I smiled as I called him his old pet name that I used to call him when we went out. "I moved back 2 weeks ago. My parents liked it better here than in Manhattan." My dad was a rich man, he was a lawyer for celebrities and reality tv stars who got themselves in trouble and my mom is a doctor at a clinic that takes care of celebrities and tv stars, too. "Plus, I came back to claim something that's rightfully mines."

"Sierra, what are you talking about", Devin asked with his clueless self. I laughed a little and shaked my head at him. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well, what else but you of course....

Really, Sierra, really? Wow, someone's overly confident about getting Devin back aren't they?

Who thinks Sierra will end up getting Devin back, even if it's for a little while?

What do you think Amberlynn has to say to Sierra about what she did to Devin?

How is Devin gonna react to Sierra's behavior?

Vote and comment your thoughts! S/o to my faithful follower, dancer2499 . She loves this story and loves when I update, lol.

Sierra in the MM!

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