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Hey all,
This is a slightly shorter chapter then I expected..Some stuff happened and I lost try original connection to this chapter. I hope you still enjoy it either way :)

Charles was now smiling at the Dutchman in front of him, he was observing how Max's pupils dilated or how Max unintentionally licked his lips every time he stared at the muffins in front of him. It was almost as if Charles was seeing Max's inner child being portrayed by the older Max. Seeing that the older boy did not hear what he said, being clearly in his own thoughts. Charles decided to repeat the question and try to make some conversation with the beauty in front of him.

"Would you like a blueberry muffin? Unless you prefer eyeing them until they speak for themselves.' – Said the Monegasque chuckling while looking at the older man in front of him.

Max snapped out of his thoughts after hearing the Monegasque's voice and looked up to see him, the older man nodded his head feeling his cheeks getting warm out of the sudden and a blush creeping in. Charles gladly gave him the muffin observing the Dutchman's cheeks that were now red. Max simply murmured a 'Thank You' that came out huskier than he wanted making the Monegasque shiver, just as Charles  was about to say something more the Dutchman returned to his friends who were talking excitedly about their plans for the summer break which truthfully Max was not interested in.

He just wanted to spend some time alone relaxing doing what he does best, not being noticeable or at least that is what he thought. Because he clearly caught the Monegasque's attention and spiked his interest in the older man.

Charles sighed in defeat seeing Max returning to his friends, he wanted to talk to the other boy a little bit more, for some reason Max caught Charles eyes and spiked some interest which Charles was definitely planning in pursuing this interest.

Max sat down carefully placing his cake on the table and grabbed his book and headphones and zoomed into his own world; the couple did not mind this. This would be a common occurrence when they spent time together, many people would be upset at the Dutchman, but the boys knew that this was how Max was and they were simply happy to have him with them. This was something that Max was always grateful for too.

The Dutchman grabbed carefully the muffin looking around to see if no one was staring at him first, which was a common habit that he had developed. He could not eat when people stared at him, he felt not so worthy anymore, it is not like Max felt much worthy any other time, but he felt less when eating.

Max took a small bite on his muffin and closed his eyes tasting the sweetness of the treat, savouring the taste of the blueberries. It was like an explosion of goodness in his mouth, the only other time he tasted something so delicious was when his mother made them and just like that Max felt his inner child happy. He closed his eyes remembering the times before racing where him, Victoria (his sister) and his mum were having picnics in the beach and his mother used to always bring his favourite; blueberry muffins. They would play for hours building sandcastles and having water fights, they would also take plenty of naps under the parasol feeling the heat and breeze from the ocean kissing their skins.

Max was reminiscing the past and enjoying his muffin until he was forced to open his eyes when he felt a small poke in his arm. He looked to see who poked him and he was not surprised to see his best friend looking at him worried. Max just gave him a gentle smile and gave him the thumbs up which made the Englishman relax. Max carried on enjoying his muffin while the couple finished their breakfast.

Shortly after, everyone was ready to leave the place as they had a few activities schedules for the day. The group of friends stood up and went to the counter to pay, which a friendly familiar face asked how was everything and the boys assured them they would be returning since they loved everything, specially Max. The Dutchman was in awe with the bakery that had stole his heart and perhaps he wanted to see a certain Monegasque face again.

Please let me know if you liked it and what would you like to see too :)!

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