The Soaring Donai (BWWM) (COMING SOON 2024)

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The Soaring Donai (BWWM)

The Soaring Donai (BWWM)

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Millenniums after a reset on Earth has taken place, new civilizations have been created, separated by class, 14 royal families and many tribes of the Kingdom of Kalmano. Generation after generation has been thoroughly scanned and sought by the Soaring Donai, the overseer of the world but none have been found without fault to purify the next generation and bring purification to the land to claim a gift of prosperity for the people.

Nevertheless, a baby has been conceived from a royal family in a distant village in the kingdom. The parents of Siyanda Okafor has kept her hidden from outsiders for 8 years of age. In those years, Siyanda has been heavily monitored, taught and upheld the instructions of the Soaring. Siyanda has been assessed for her last test and has been announced without fault, declaring her fit once she is officially of age to wed, to purify the land through her bloodline.

The only problem is, the suitor picked by the Soaring is not what Siyanda would've expected for her to wed. The man picked was a barbaric hunter in a village across the barriers of her accepted reach in the countryside. Far from the touch of the Soaring, Siyanda is left with a duty to help save the soul of her mate and claim the gift of prosperity for the kingdom of Kalmano before it slips from her generation.

(posted May 17, 2023)


coming soon

+ please leave your ideas of how you think this story will play out 

+ i want this story to be fantasy, a kingdom realm world misty forest & countryside, (there's no races(no racism), but everything is based on class, tribes, royal families in the land. (poor, wealthy)

+ i thought of this story in 2020/2021 because of the bible highkey lol but I've been reading more medieval books & watched the bridgeton series and got reminded of this story in my brain archives. 

+ ideas that i have for the storyline is war, famine, purity, kingdom building, etiquette, witches

+ writing this story on wattpad 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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