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Fascinating, eh? I mean her name.

Bianca di Angelo though. Sounds like I've heard it somewhere else. It wasn't her name that I cared about. It was her. Something inside me told me that we belong - well skip to the main point...

"What's your name then?" she asked.

"Kenneth Heathrow. I go with Ken."

"Seriously? Ken? Like the doll? Can I call you Ken doll? Great!"

She totally didn't care if I liked the name or not, she would call me Ken doll anyway.

"So, can I go out now?" I asked.

"Sure! No wound nor health problem to be seen, and according to our conversation, no mental condition either." I doubted that. Just 2 minutes ago, I thought we were meant - nevermind.

I got out of the bed and walked toward Bianca. Then, we went outside.

And, what I saw was just overwhelming.

All of the people there were at my age. And they were all in gear. Some were just walking with a, err, goat-man? There was a climbing wall with lava pouring down from it. There were flying horses in the sky. And the forest. I swore, I saw some Unidentified Running Objects in the forest. How cool was that?

It turned out that this place was actually a camping site. Though, it was a special one, for "people like us" only. It protected us from the outside world and kept us safe. Like, a real home.

Then Bianca started telling me what we were gonna do at camp, like the schedules and all that. We were walking pass the cabins when she told me how children of each God stay in each cab.

"You are staying at..?" I questioned.

"13. Hades' cab. He claimed me a while ago. I wasn't too happy about that. He's one of the Big Three."

"The Big Three? What? Hmm... So... How do I know who my Godly parent is?"

"That..." she hesitated "will be determined in due course. Meanwhile..." she pointed at a cabin, the oldest and most worn-looking one. "You'll be staying there. Cabin 11."

Cabin 11 is for Hermes' children. Hermes is the God of crossroads and messenger. For some reason, unclaimed children, newcomers like me, get to stay there.

"But fear not, Percy Jackson had made the Gods promise to claim their children at a young age. You're what? Thirteen? Maybe they'll claim you just tomorrow!"

"Actually I'm fifteen."

"Yeah, whatever, let me tell you something about him. Percy Jackson, I mean."

She started to tell me about Percy Jackson and his crazily amazing adventures with his friends, all the quests he had been given, all the great things he'd done, how he ended up marrying this girl who is Athena's daughter and had two lovely kids...

"Uh sorry, is he still around here somewhere? I mean, at camp?" I interrupted.

"Why do you like cutting off people's lines so much eh? Yeah, he is, he's actually right-"

That time she was cut off by a tall figure of an armed man, with black hair and sea green eyes.

"Hey Bianca, hey boy. How are you feeling?" the man spoke as he was coming to us. "I'm Percy Jackson, your new swordsman trainer. Nice meeting you."

"-here." Bianca finished her sentence, smiling.

>>> <<<

He was a really nice man.

You guys will all love him when you meet him. Being with him feels as safe as the... sea? I sure knew which his Godly parent was, his eyes, his voice, everything reminded me of the ocean.

"You must be... Son of Poseidon..." I stuttered.

"Yes, boy. It's a big deal being a son of the Big Three, pretty dangerous indeed." the man grinned. "I introduced myself. What about you? I can't keep on calling you boy, can I?"

"KEN DOLL!" Bianca shouted.

"It's just Ken..." I murmured.

"Oh, Ken, eh? Nice name!" he ignored Bianca, thank the Gods. "It either means 'handsome' or 'warm'... Wait! You have-" he starred at my face weirdly. "-heterochromia?"

It was like the first time someone noticed it without picking on me for it. Bianca didn't notice. My "friends" at the orphanage totally called me a freak because of that.

"Hetero... wha?" Bianca asked.

"Heterochromia." I explained. "Different eye colors. Look at my eyes again, Bianca."

She did look, and her jaw dropped. The truth was, my left eye was brown, while my right eye was red, Crimson red, to be exact.

"Thanks for noticing. Your eyes are beautiful too." I turned to Percy.

"Thanks. Shouldn't we start walking again? I could show you around."

"I already did!" Bianca jumped in.

"Ah, have you dragged him to the arena? Luke and Leo, along with the others, are sword-fighting over there. They might wanna meet Ken."

"Fine, let's go." she sighed.

We walked again, all the three of us. On the way there, I couldn't help wondering who Leo and Luke was.

"Mr. Jackson?" I spoke up.

"Call me Percy." he said. "What's up?"

"Who are Leo and Luke?"

"Huh? Oh. They are... We're already here. You'll meet them soon." he smiled.

Here we were. At the Sword Fighting Arena. When we got inside, and there were a bunch of teenagers in gear scattering around training swords.

"Wow, this arena though." I said.

"As usual." Bianca sighed. "That is Luke." she pointed at a blonde looking alike Percy, who was fighting against a younger demigod, who was also blonde. Yet, his eyes were blue. Electric blue. "And that is Leo." she pointed at that younger kid.

I starred for a while. I never actually touched a real weapon before. But I was diagnosed with ADHD, so looking at those people holding weapons jumping at one another like that, I was really feverish.

"Come." Percy said. "Talk to them."

Crimson Red. (a Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now