Chapter 12: Parting Plans

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My head spins as I see everything I need to catch up on. I wonder if Marietta has even been working at all. Was she really so dramatic as to abandon her duties? Nevertheless, nothing stops me from getting straight to work.

I start with a couple of parties whose orders have not been taken yet. I get them drinks and put their orders in with Hidorah. I clean a few messy tables, wiping them down with a damp rag and cleaner in only a few minutes. Luckily, Kenrik is taking care of the bar patrons, so there's one less task on my shoulders. I start sweeping, assuming most of the food will be done by the time I finish.

Right on time, my broom is set aside and my hands are filled with hot trays for the tables' orders. I play off a slight quiver of my hand holding a deep bowl of soup and retrieve the empty glasses to refill. I set them back down on the table moments later refilled with a set of clinks. Looking around for more tasks, I am pleased to see I'm free for the time being until either a new patron arrives or tables need to be cleaned.

I grab myself a drink, a hard cider. Strangely enough, I found my hand gravitating toward a bottle of whiskey. My heart skips a beat for a moment, and I find a short glass. I pour the whiskey and set each of the drinks on a small tray. Once again checking back to the dining area, I see nothing has changed and I continue into my room.

Val was still propped up in my bed reading. It was nice to see him take time to rest and heal. He sits up upon seeing me and greets me with something that resembles excitement beneath his gruff voice.

"Hello, Elaine. How's work?" He says, his eyes meeting mine as he glances up from his book.

"Good so far, nothing unmanageable after a bit of labor," I say.

"You couldn't have been gone more than an hour though, right?" Val questions.

"Yes, but I have a bit of free time, so I figured we could share a drink!" I tell him.

"Oh, good. I was wondering if that whiskey was supposed to be mine." He said, trailing into a laugh.

I pass over the whiskey, the size of the glass instantly being dwarfed as he holds it in his hand. I sit down beside him on the bed. I put the ale glass to my lips, taking a big swig of the cold, bittersweet cider.

"Oh, wow. Would you look at that, that giant gulp of yours was about as much as one of my sips." Val says, teasing me.

For some reason, my breath hitches. "Well, I apologize. Perhaps I don't have as much experience with drinking as you do." I rib, perhaps a bit too far I decide too late. I grow distracted after I say this, seeing a lock of hair falling over his face. There was a golden ray of sunlight cast over his hair and face that perfectly fit with the palette of his evergreen skin, charcoal black hair, and powdery blue eyes.

My face grows hot, this time not my own fault. This time, his hand had cupped my cheek. Not a gloved hand, no. A bare, warm hand was against my face. I run my hand up his built forearm, feeling his soft skin beneath my palm. I trace up over his hand. Another hand enters my field of vision. Val puts my glass of cider to my lips. I take a swig, needing to quench my sudden thirst. He had taken my drink from my hand without me ever realizing it. Val tips my glass higher and rushes the cider down my throat. I finish off my drink, swallowing hard.

"A bit of practice since you need it apparently," he chuckles.

"You better get back to work, Elaine. I think I heard Hidorah call your name." Val says.

"You're right. Hidorah will probably start eavesdropping if he realizes I'm in my room anyway." I add on.

I leave, refusing to accept the rapid pounding in my ears as my own heartbeat.

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