2:22 - New York

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Santana's POV:

"- be anywhere by yourself. I want text updates every time you come and go from that hotel."

I nod," of course ma."

"We want you safe, but also," my dad places a gentle hand on my shoulder and smiles," have fun. It's New York City, explore, do things you haven't before."

Mr. Schue's voice suddenly calls out," alright New Directions, our flight is boarding soon, let's get together so we can head to our gate."

"Alright, bring it in kiddo." My dad motions for me to hug him and my mom and I do, giving both of them a good squeeze.

"Love you guys," I mumble against my dad's shoulder and they repeat the sentiment before we part.

With a smile, I pick up my bag and suitcase and turn to leave. Everyone else is saying their 'byes' to their family and heading toward Mr. Schue.

On my way over I pass by Y/n and her grandma, who is holding Y/n close and kissing her face.

"Grams, I- grandma I gotta go." Y/n protests, pulling away from the older lady." I love you and I'll see you soon." They hug one more time before the girl grabs her bags and joins us with Mr. Schue.

Our teacher takes a quick attendance to make sure we're all here then we start making our way through the airport. I've done the whole flying thing before so everything we go through is familiar to me.

In no time we're boarding the plane, everyone finding their spots and putting their bags in the overhead bins.

A small smile forms on my face when I near my seat, where Y/n also stands, putting her bag up in the overhead bin.

When she sees me approaching, she starts to move out the way of the aisle." My bad," she smiles a little and gestures past her.

"You're actually blocking the way," I smirk amusedly," that's my seat." I gesture to the one she's standing in front of.

Was this my original seat? No. But I worked my magic, aka played a game of ticket swapping with damn near the whole Glee club, and got the seat next to Y/n. It took a lot of work seeing as Quinn was the one with the seat beside Y/n.

Luckily, I know all the Glee club drama. See, I was sitting next to Kurt so it was easy to swap seats with Rachel after I told her where I would've been. That put me next to Sam who I know Mercedes likes so I swapped with her which put me next to Lauren who I definitely wasn't going to sit by but Puck is a sucker for her so we swapped, which led me to the seat by Mr. Schue. I then found out that Finn was sitting in the aisle seat with Mike and Tina right across from Quinn and Y/n. Since Quinn and Finn just broke up it took little effort to get Quinn to swap with me so she's next to Mr. Schue and I get to sit next to my girl.

"Oh." Y/n's eyebrows shoot up, then she nods, pursing her lips as she steps back." Let me get that for you." She grabs my bag and puts it in the overhead compartment.

I thank her and we both take our seats, her offering me the one by the window.

We don't talk much at the start seeing as the flight attendants have to run through safety procedures and stuff. It's not until the plane is in the sky that she speaks.

"So uh, this your first time flying?"

An unattractive snort falls from my lips and I chuckle, quirking my eyebrow at her." Are you really trying to make small talk right now?"

"I-" she drops her head, laughing a little before looking back up." Yeah I don't know why I tried that. I didn't want things to be awkward and then I made it awkward."

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