Crash landing

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Mera blew her brown hair out of her face in disbelief. "This was your genius idea?" The thick air in the car didn't help with the uprising anger in her throat. "Aren't you at least a little curious? Even just a little bit?" Mera furrowed her brows, as she stared at her friend, Elena. "No, I would like to live." In between sandy mountains the lake appeared, close to it a spaceship of sorts. "El, let's just leave. You don't know what's in there." Elena seemed unbothered. Mera on the other hand dug her fingernails into the seat. "If I get killed I will drag your ass with me." As the car came to a stop, Mera believed to see something move from the corner of her eye. Elena was midst getting out when a red flashing light came from the spaceship. The two women covered their eyes. "Maybe this is our cue to leave, El", her friend pressed on. "Not yet, I need to know." Elena was everything one could consider perfect. A trained body, long smooth blonde hair, dark green eyes, and flawless tanned skin. But Mera knew beneath the surface, El was more than just looks. She was smart and kind. The brown haired girl herself had a slim figure, had a pair of brown-green eyes, and preferred eating over working out. Much to the dismay of Elena, who believed Mera would one day gain more weight than she could lose. "El, please, this is dangerous." She jumped out of the car, trying to pull her friend back to it. "I don't know how that could have happened. One moment everything was fine and then the next I ended up here." A man with a mask kicked the spaceship. The two women looked at each other, then him. "Yes, I am sure I didn't do anything wrong. I've been flying this thing for years." Mera tugged Elena's sleeve, who just shook it off. The guy swirled around, looking at them. "I'll get back to you." Pressing something on a watch, he stepped closer. "Just to confirm, cause for whatever reason my compass stopped working, I am on Terra, right?" Elena gasped. "Yes", Mera blurted out, not sounding convincing. "Great, okay, I need to find someone that can repair my ship. I'm on a very important mission and every minute could be crucial." "Instead you decided to call someone?" Mera was shocked, as much as Elena, over her own confidence. "Yeah, I get what that looked like." "You could try kicking it again, I heard that works wonders." He grunted. "I really need this repaired. Do you know anyone that could help me?" Elena and Mera exchanged another look. "Do you think Jamey can fix it?" "He always boasts that he can fix anything. Let's hope his talent is as big as his ego." "Bring me to him", the man said. "Wait, we don't even know who you are." Mera nodded in agreement. "Peter Quill, Star-Lord and defender of the galaxies. I'm still working on the latter. Anyway, now that you know me, can we move on?" Both girls sighed. "Fine, get in." 

Jamey's workshop was quiet. Around this time of the year people decided to go out of town for their vacations. Tourists were a rarity. "Look, I hate to do this, but I need to go", Elena said, fixing her hair. "I'll give you the car, don't crash it, please." Mera looked at her in confusion. "I'll call later and explain." After they hugged, Elena headed down the streets and got into another car. Peter followed Mera into the shop. "Jamey, do you know what's up with Elena? She just left out of nowhere." She sat down on the counter, watching him putting away tools. "I think she's got a boyfriend." "How come I don't know anything about it?" He shrugged and grabbed a tool box, kneeling down in front of a motorbike. "Can you hold the light?" Mera held it up, shining it in the respective direction. "I brought you a customer, by the way." When she looked around, Peter leaned against the doorframe, checking his watch. "He needs someone that can fix a complex machine. And I thought of you. Oh, by the way, it's a very delicate situation, so if you could keep it to yourself that'd be fantastic." Jamey looked up at her. "How complex are we speaking?"

Peter was the first to enter the ship. Mera gulped, brushing dust off her clothes and hair, then followed him. Jamey was last to join. "The engine is that way." Peter pointed to the right. Both, Peter and Mera, stepped into the control room. "This ship looks like it's designed for more than one person", she mumbled. "It is. But I haven't had much luck finding anyone for this mission." "What mission?" She sat down on one of the white chairs and swirled around. "I need to retrieve an artifact that has fallen into the wrong hands." Mera grinned from ear to ear. "Tell me more, please!" "A couple of weeks ago, a species I never heard of, popped up out of nowhere, entering our solar system. I need to identify them but I can't do that when my ship is broken." "What is the artifact?", Mera asked, leaning in closer. "I can't talk about that." She pouted. "Take me with you." He lifted a brow. "I'm not sure I can just do that." She groaned. "I got nothing that holds me here. I got a boring job as an editor and live from day to day. I want to see what's out there, learn, and fight with cool weapons." "Fighting with cool weapons takes practice." "Come on, Star-Lord. I promise, I will practice so I can be of assistance." He sighed. As he was about to speak the system turned back on, showing something on the radar, coming towards them at a very fast rate. 

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