Our New Life Begins

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"Alright. Let's... calm down now...." Wukong huffed, his fur messy and feeling oddly... exhausted. He couldn't remember when he felt this way. He was tired all the time, sure, but this feeling was different. "Ugh..." He collapsed to the ground, baby tucked under his arm to stop his squirming. The room had become somewhat of a disaster zone: toppled chairs, flipped couch, scratched covers, and a disheveled Monkey King.

A child's energy was no joke.

With his son securely in his lap, Wukong lifted what he hoped would entice his baby. "Okay...Let's try this one more time." He had to tear the bag from the infant's teeth and practically chuck it out the window to get it away from him. He was just as bad as him when it came to stealing things!

Having taken it away though, it left his son sniffling and upset.

"Oh Qi Xiaotian." he cooed, brushing a finger to his rounded cheek. Catching the baby's attention, he lifted a peach, shaking it a little. Wukong felt his mouth water at the sight. He hadn't really craved anything in a while, so it was a welcome familiarity. With his Monkey's help he had gathered the fruit from the trees outside beyond the waterfall. Wukong truly wasn't sure how he would get by without them.

"Want some? It's yummy." He urged

".... AH ! AH!" immediately the child began to bounce, making grabby hands for the fruit. Trying to crawl up Wukong's chest to his arm to get to it.

"Ah hey hey hey~" Wukong tossed the peach to the other hand and snagged him. "Honestly you little glutton..." he paused. His frown transformed into a fond grin, "Just like your dad~" he snickered. Nuzzling his baby, he took a bite into the peach to show him. "Little bite." he instructed, holding it up for him. "Smell first."

Qi Xiaotian looked confused, so Wukong demonstrated holding the fruit close and sniffing.

"..." Qi Xiaotian headbutted the fruit instead. Wide eyes staring at his father to see if he did that right.

"HAH!" Wukong reeled his head back and laughed. When was the last time he had laughed like this? "C-Close but not quite." he chuckled.

Letting his son bite into the rounded fruit, he smiled. His son was wagging his tail wildly, humming in delight to such a sweet taste. Lifting little hands towards Wukong's so he could get at the peach.

It was cute.

And messy. Very messy.

"Ew." Wukong snorted as juice slipped from their fingers and onto his clothes. Heavy droplets of sweetened water staining their fingers and fur. The infant didn't notice this, biting mouthfuls of the peach at a time. Stopping only when his small teeth grazed against the solid peach core. Puzzled, he eyed it, taking a few more testing bites and huffing when he couldn't break through the core. he growled, shaking it around before finally deciding to just drop it in Wukong's hand. The King scrunched his nose up at how wet it was with slobber. 

"G-Good job bud." Wukong patted his head. He tossed the peach core over his shoulder to the trash. "Now that you are full-" he frowned, cringing when his fingers caught sticky coils of Qi Xiaotian's fur. "Ewwww." he lifted his son to find he was both sticky and covered in chip crumbs.

After closer examination, he found he didn't look much better.

"Man, we need a bath." he whistles. A small pause later and he gasped. "Baby's first bath!" he got excited at this realization, running to grab them two towels. This was such a milestone! His son's first ever experience with a bath!

He hadn't been this eager for personal hygiene in forever!

Tossing open his closet he eyed what he did have. Towels, some monkey approved shampoo, and a little toy duck. He took them all.

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