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Chapter 25: Dandelions

"I really admire your choice in becoming a nurse." Lex stared at Nathan's head from where he was walking behind his sister and her husband, Fern beside him with their hands clasped together while Mateo walked beside them with picnic baskets in his hands. "I know a friend who wanted to become one but took another path because he was afraid of judgement."

Lex glanced at everyone around him and at their surroundings. Everything looked peaceful, the sun was shining, its golden rays splayed on everything it could while leaves swayed and bristled in the slight breeze. Flower blossoms were scattered all over the deep green grass, the grass itself a little overgrown. "Is that what you were thinking of? My career choice?" He questioned curiously, a little surprised.

It had been a while since he'd decided what he wanted to do in life, and since then, both Lexis and Nathan had gushed on and on about how proud they were of him. Mateo even took him and Fern out as celebration. He didn't know what the big fuss was, but he'd gladly bask in their compliments and live happily. "Something like that." Nathan answered, sending him a cheeky smile over his shoulder as they neared the place where their picnic would take place.

Mateo volunteered on setting up the picnic on the table and benches they'd be sitting at and immediately got to work. Everyone sat eagerly, eating quietly and making light conversation in between.

Lex looked around the table, chewing as he did. He was happy, happier than he'd felt in a while. Yes, his niece's death devastated him, but learning to find happiness even after what happened was what mattered most. He didn't necessarily move on, but he did learn to live his life with memories of her and with the family he still had. Being here with them left him feeling content, and he'd learn to savour these moments more than anything.

After finishing their food, Lexis and Nathan cleared and packed everything, informing the three others of their desire to take a walk by themselves. "We'll be back. Whatever you do," Nathan started, walking away with Lexis in tow, looking over his shoulder as he spoke, "Be careful."

Mateo chuckled but nodded anyway, leaning his weight on Fern who happily held onto him, smiling softly. Leaning his own upper body over the table, Lex enjoyed the feeling of the sun warming his face, closing his eyes and just existing.

It was nice not to worry about anything. To just breathe and know everything was okay. To sit and feel loved. It was nice to just exist.

"Why don't we find some place away from here to just... relax." Fern suggested, scratching his nails lightly over Mateo's scalp. Lex was already standing, nodding his head excitedly.

Sighing, Mateo got up and stretched as if he'd just gotten up from a nap. "Alright. Lead the way?"

Under Fern's guidance, the three guys found themselves on the top of a small hill covered in the greenest grass Lex had ever seen. There were all sorts of coloured flowers among the grass and there was one large tree with tiny leaves that casted some shade from the afternoon sun. "Perfect," Fern smiled, taking a careful seat among the grass and starting to pick flowers.

"What are you doing?" Lex questioned as he took a seat in front of Fern, who worked on piling the same-coloured flowers together in different piles. Lex noticed that there were 3 different colours.

Fern shrugged, picking two blue flowers up and twisting them around each other. "Making flower crowns."

Mateo laughed, lying on his back with his head in Lex's vacant lap. "Of course you know how to make flower crowns."

Making an offended face, Fern scrunched his brows together. "What?"

"I don't think it was meant to be offending, baby." Lex laughed softly. "I think he means to say that you're very adorable." Fern scoffed, rolling his eyes and ducking his head, but there was an obvious blush across his cheeks. Lex smiled once again, breathing in deeply and letting the air out in a huff. The sun was beginning to lower in the sky, but it was still a while before it actually set.

He let his fingers wander Mateo's face, starting from his eyebrows and skimming across his cheeks and tapping his nose lightly. Mateo scrunched his nose, but said nothing otherwise, relaxing enough to fall into a light sleep. He must've been exhausted from work, then.

Fern laughed at his sleeping form, but continued his light work as he started on the second flower crown, now the colour purple. "I think he needed this outing the most. He needed to let loose a little." Lex hummed his agreement, bending uncomfortably to kiss Mateo's forehead and letting him be afterwards.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Lex sighed softly and spoke. "Hey Fern?" The male addressed hummed. "Did I ever tell you both how glad I am that I met the two of you? Like, I really appreciate Sam and his stupidity. If it wasn't for him and his weird suggestions, then I don't think we'd ever meet. I'm glad you wanted to give us a chance. I'm grateful for the both of you." He smiled softly, which Fern reciprocated. "I'm glad you both showed me what happiness feels like. What true love feels like." He held a look of fondness om his face, gazing down on Mateo's relaxed face.

"I love you. The both of you, so very much."

Fern smiled wistfully, placing a white flower crown, the last of the flower colours, on his angel's face. If the warm feeling of content and love was what he'd get in return for being with Lex and Mateo, then he would continue to exist just for them. "I love you too, Lex. You and Mateo both."

Lex laughed, "Mateo will only get his flower crown after he wakes up, won't he?" Fern nodded with his own laugh, a purple crown on his head.

Later, when the sun began to set and the breeze became stronger, the three men walked hand-in-hand with pretty flower crowns made by Fern on their heads, happy smiles on their faces and fond love in their eyes.

Flower colour meanings:

Mateo: Purple- royalty, luxury and opulence.

Fern: Blue- serenity, calmness and peace.

Lex: White- hope, innocence, rebirth and purity.


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