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Author's POV:

The bright sunlight peeped through the windows of Varma's house indicating the morning has arises.
A middle aged women in the house getting the bags ready for leaving the house.
" Prakash look if Pihu is ready or not and tell her to come down we are leaving in half an hour " she said.
"Yes mom ", her son said heading towards his sister's room.

"Pihu are you ready mom is calling you down"? he said.
"Yes bhai just two minutes" Pihu said in a sad tone.
"What happen pihu? Not ready to leave? " He asked .
"Yes bhai it's so hard to leave this house we have so many memories here " she said.
"Don't worry pihu everything's gonna find we can create more memories in our new house ,okay? Now smile I didn't want you to leave being sad from here. " Prakaash said lightning his sister's mood.

Hearing her brother's words she smiled and said" Yes Bhai you're right "
"Let's go now or mom will be yelling our names from hall".Prakash said.
"Yes bhai let's go"

Pihu's POV:
We reached down and I saw my father entering from out side .
" Everything's ready " ? He asked.
" Yes let's go".my mom said

My dad entered all the stuffs in the truck and we all settled in the car. I'm really going to miss my home after some time the journey started to Jorhat.

Author's POV:
It was night time when the family reached the destination they were at a restaurant for dinner before reaching their new house.
They were eating their dinner peacefully when the sound of guns was heared by all.

" What is happening here, ? I think we are in danger let's get inside our car. "Dad said after hearing the shooting sound.
Then the waiter come at our table and said " No need to worry sir they are Rajveer Sir's people they'll only kill their traitors others are safe you can sit here".
"But who is this Rajveer?. " Prakash asked.
"He's Rajveer Oberoi the Oberoi family was the rulers of Jorhat, even if he is a business man now but still they are called as rulers of Jorhat. People says he has no mercy and is so cruel. It's better if we don't interfere in his business." The waiter said and left from there.

"Dad it's so scary , how are we gonna live here? " Pihu asked being afraid.
"Don't worry beta we are normal people it's not like we know him we are at no harm" Her dad said consoling her.

After some time they finished their dinner and headed towards their car. The car of Rajveer was still there surrounded by some bouncers.
Here the varma family was sitting inside their car when prakaash yelled, "Dad see here is a bullet shot on our car".
" What ? ! But how it happened? Mr. Varma said.
"I think it happens when the firing was going on".Mrs.Varma said.
" You know what I am going to call police we have to tell them this"Prakash said dailing the police's number.

After some time the police arrived and started inspecting the car. Seeing police many people started crowding them.
"We're not in a danger right officer? " Mrs Varma said.
" No sir, I'm sure it's because of Rajveer sir's firing. "The officer said.
" Yes it happened because of me "
All people turned towards the voice and saw a tall, musuline man standing with a gun.
" Oh !!Mr. Oberoi I thought the same but I don't think they are going to report against you, right Mr. Varma? Officer said.
But before Mr. Varma could speak Prakaash said" And what if we are going to? "
And within a movement prakash was held by his collar with a gun on his forehead by Rajveer.
This all scene was seen by pihu who was sitting inside the car. After seeing her brother's condition she came out of the car and saw her dad and mom trying to leave her brother from rajveer's grip.
She also came forward and said "please don't shoot sir please leave him, please. "

When pihu come in front rajveer he was really mesmerized , after staring her scared face for some time he released her brother and got back to his car and left.
"Are you okay prakash,? his mother asked.
"Yes mom"he said.
" I think it's safe for you sir to not report against him he is a very powerful man here".
"Yes officer I think we'll nor report against him"Mr.Varma said.
" But dad"?
"No prakash after seeing what happens here I think it's better to leave it. Now let's go to our house, thank you officer we'll be leaving now".Mr.Varma said.
" Yes sir" The officer said and left from there.
The family then headed to their new house . But prakash still wanted to report against him cause the bullet on th car and the behavior of rajveer angered him.
Anyways the family reached their new house and started unpacking the things.

In the Oberoi Mansion, the things are pretty weird today.
"What happened Ayush why Raj is behaving weird today" Arjun asked being concerned to his brother.
" I don't know bhai he behaving weird today after coming from the shreerath restaurant "aayush said looking at his best friend who's busy looking in his phone.
" Why he went there"? Arjun asked.
"Of course to kill someone ". Aayush said flatly.
Arjun went closer to rajveer to find what's is in his phone that he's seeing from past few hours. He saw a girl's photo.
"Who's this girl Raj? "He finally asked.
Rajveer looked at as his brother and said" YOUR BROTHER IS IN LOVE BHAI".

Hello guys hope you liked this chapter, this is the first story that I'm writing on wattpad. Hope you guys will support me☺. Don't forget to follow me on wattpad and vote this chapter. 

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