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The next day Pihu was getting ready for the party, she wore a blue coloured ball gown looking too much beautiful and the light make up just enhanced her beauty. After getting ready her brother dropped her to her college.

Pihu's POV:After reaching college I found already shreya waiting for me at the gate

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Pihu's POV:
After reaching college I found already shreya waiting for me at the gate. Then we both headed towards the auditorium where the party we to be held. "Pihu look first row seats are empty let's go there ", shreya said.

" No shreya let's sit in the middle maybe they were reserved for guest " I said and we took the seats in the middle row but suddenly a man came to us and said" Ma'am you can't sit here seats are reserved for all".
"So where are we gonna sit now ", shreya asked. " Please come with me ma'am I will show you your seats " He said politely. We followed him and he showed the seats exact opposite to the stage in first row. 'Are we going to sit in the first row '? I thought in disbelief. "But.. " Before I could say further shreya said " We'll sit here thank you" . And the man left. I had no choice but to sit here. After some time the programme began and the host called the guest one by one . " Now please welcome our chief guest Mr. Rajveer Oberoi". Wait isn't he the guy who who shooted our car and even killed a man? How could the college invite a criminal? But..... What I have to with him after what he did to my brother I even hate him so I chose to ignore him like I did with the other guests.

After some time the guests were done giving their speech and it was the time to leave the auditorium as the main party for students were held at the hall opposite to it. So we left to go there. But one thing creeped me out was the stare of Mr. Rajveer like he was staring at me the whole time even when he was giving speech he kept glancing at me. So it was a relief that we were leaving .
"Hi shreya",a boy said approaching us.

Author's POV:
" Oh !hii Vivek,are you alone where are your friends?shreya asked.
"No, actually I came to you and who is this beauty? He asked.
" She is my friend Pihu we're in the same class"shreya explained.
"Oh nice to meet you pihu" He said with a smile and she smiled in return.
"BTW do you know professor Jadhav is getting married? " He asked.
"Yes we know actually I felt pity for his soon to be wife how will she bear with his grumpy and strict behaviour " Shreya said .
"Right he'll say 'hey i gave you a deadline to complete your work and you still didn't do it now no dinner for you '. Vivek mimicked and the girls bursted in laughter. Not aware of the burning gaze on them.

Rajveer's POV:
As I reached the stage I found my baby looking beautiful as the light makeup just complimented her looks. Actually I was the one who told the staff to make sure she sits infront of me . I was staring at her the whole time but I felt that she's ignoring me, maybe she's shy. I still remembered every detail of the day I first saw her.

That day I was so furious as one of my man had betrayed me by leaking my information to my rivals. I found his hiding place and killed him but during shooting a bullet got shoot to an another cas which I ignored. After killing him I sat inside my car till men clean the place. After some time I saw crowd and some officers near the same car I shooted . I got inside the crowd and told the officers that it was caused by me. But the boy whom I thought car owner said he'll file a complaint against me at this I lost it , I was done playing civilized I held his collar and pointed gun against his forehead.

All officers and his parents were trying to save him but he was still looking at me without any fear I got mad but suddenly a girl come infront of me and said " Don't shoot sir please don't shoot ". I don't know why but after I saw her my heart beat increased , her eyes full of innocence and her lips were quivering I wish I could kiss them but I controlled my urge and left from there.

My chain of thought break when I found everyone leaving the auditorium. I also left to find my baby . I found her sitting in the party hall with her friend and wait... Is that a boy sitting with them and she's also laughing with him. Is that her friend? Does she likes him? Are they in love?
Suddenly I saw my baby leaving to go somewhere I followed her and signaled my men to keep an eye on her friends and left behind her.
She was going to washroom. I got inside and locked the main door of the washroom and waited for her.

Hope you guys liked this chapter don't forget to vote ☺.

What is Rajveer gonna do ? What are your opinion?

Next chapter they both are going to face each other again!!!!🌚.

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