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   Pihu's POV:

After doing my business I came out, while washing my hands I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned behind and saw Rajveer Sir standing behind me with a creepy smirk. " Excuse me Sir this is girl's washroom male washroom is in right side".

"I know I came here to see you sweetheart", he said still with his creepy smirk. I felt a shiver when he called me that ,fear crawled over me as he started taking his predator steps towards me. I rushed towards the door but before I could reach I was forcefully grabbed and pinned on the wall by him. I struggled but he was more stronger than me . " Shh... Sweetheart I'm not gonna eat you",  he said as tears gathered in my eyes.

" Leave me!! I said leave me ", I said in fear and anger both and started struggling more as he brought his face close to me. " Look sweetheart I'm not here to scare you or do something to you I'm just here to talk ", he whispered in my ear. " Atleast release me please ", I said not liking his proximity. " Okay but you're not going to run,hmmm? She nodded sniffing looking more adorable to him. He released me but didn't move an inch. I slide down hugging my knees he also bends to my level.

" Why are crying sweetheart"? He said wiping my tears. " Don't touch me please", I said but he ignored and kept wiping my tears. "Who was the boy with you in the party sweetheart"? He asked. " A friend ", I said unknowingly as my whole mind was more focused on escaping from him. But suddenly he banged his hands on either side of my head making me flinch. I cried more and looked at him, his eyes were more darker than before and his aura scared me to the core.

" Let me make one thing sweetheart you are not making any male friend and no boy should come around you unless you want me to unleash my inner monster and show them a real hell" , he said caressing my cheek . I looked at him in fear and said, "why are you doing this sir, let me go".
" Only in one condition promise me you will maintain your distance with boys and I'll let you go" . I quickly nodded my head looking at him. " So desperate to leave me sweetheart?? No worries soon you'll end up in my arms ", he said kissing my cheek I looked at him in terror.

He unlocked the door and I quickly ran from there. I informed shreya that I'm leaving, she got worried after seeing me but I convinced her that I'm okay and left in a cab. I came home and directly went to my room my mom asked me to eat but I told her I ate at the party and now I'm going to sleep. I curled up on my bed and started crying never in my life I thought something like this will happen to me. How can he do that to me ,he's so bad. After some time I slept crying there.

Author's POV:
It has been three days after that incident and Rajveer still can't get over her beautiful terror shrunked face. After that incident he had became more obsessive and possessive over her, he had kept his eye in her every move. He still remember her desperation to escape from him, how bad he wanted to bring her to his mansion and show her that she can't escape him. During that night he was so hard ready to be inside her but only he knows how he controlled his desires.

It was night time ,Rajveer was lying on his bed mentally making love with his Pihu. Then suddenly the door opened and his brother came inside " Ugh....bhai why you always have to come when I'm thinking something important?? " He said frustrated. " I know what you must be thinking the girl..... What's her name..... Pihu  right. I saw her at that party no wonder why you fell for her but.... She looked innocent and quite young you know. Will her parents lee her marry you?? " Arjun asked. "Ofcourse they will and even if they don't then I will force her to marry me" , he said. Arjun stared at him in disbelief. "Do what you wand but don't hurt that small girl", Arjun said.

" I know what I'm doing bhai I'll never hurt her and by the way I have a deal for you if you do my work I'll do anything for you", rajveer said.
" What deal", arjun asked.
"I want to make pihu the daughter in law of this house as fast as possible so, I want you to convince dadi and take her to pihu's house for engagement proposal", Rajveer explained him. " Just engagement not marriage? ", arjun asked frowning. " Of course for marriage but I don't want to rush things and even I can't see her with an another boy so just engagement ", Rajveer said.
" Okay ,I'll convince dadi and will take her you pihu's house for your proposal but don't forget our deal I can ask anything and you have to do it", arjun said.
"Yes bhai", Rajveer said with a grin.
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