29. Suspicions

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Right now Jack, Olivia, and I are on our way to my office. I mind-linked Roman asking him to join me there. I feel compelled to suppress my feelings right now. I will deal with them later after I find Annabelle. They are too much to deal with right now. I'm feeling miserable, scared, worried, and stressed about my mate, but also infuriated with my so half-brother, frustrated by the fact I didn't know that about my parents and disgusted about their behavior. To not mention how disappointed I feel, but at the same time I can't help but agree with Olivia: they must have their reasons. To tell the truth, I'm more angry at the people who killed my parents.
I don't even know who to trust anymore. Everything around me seems so suspicious. It's not that I don't believe what Olivia said, but some things are strange. The day Roman and I lost our parents, we weren't in the pack. We were at the training camp and when we came back they told us it was because of the rogue attack and all of them were killed because of it. I never doubted it and since they were dead, it was pointless looking for revenge, but now they tell me it was another alpha with his pack. Who is lying? If Olivia is telling the truth, I might found the piece of information I was looking for to complete the puzzle. I was lost in my thoughts when we arrived at the reaching point and I saw Roman was already waiting for us.

"Shit, Roman!" I thought; I had forgotten about him and how he would react to what I had just discovered. He is struggling with self-control, especially when it comes to our parents or his mate. How I'm gonna tell him everything and at the same time ask him to keep his cool because we have to concentrate on finding Annabelle. I sighed in frustration.

"Olivia!? What are you doing here?" Roman asked with a confused air.

"She's with us," I told him.

I didn't feel like telling him what Olivia had said about our parents. It is hard to do so, therefore I looked at her and allowed her to proceed with the explanation. It was hard to hear the story again. I looked at Roman and his expression didn't change, but he was staring at Olivia as if she was telling us a ridiculous story.

"Archer, please tell me you are not listening to this crap." my brother told me in a serious voice after she finished.

"Roman. She is not lying." I told him apologetically.

"I understand that your mate was kidnapped, but that doesn't mean you should allow someone else to talk like that about our parents," He said and I growled loudly. "What about you Olivia, a half-brother? Is that the best you could come up with?" He continued after pinning her against the wall.

"Roman let her go!" I ordered him. As much as I don't like her, I know her death will lead to other problems that I don't want to deal with.

He let her go but continued to stare at her with such hatred.

"Oh, Moon Goddess, you brothers need to learn some manners. I'm here to help you." She gritted through her teeth as she stood up and touched her neck.

"She is telling the truth!" Jack said and sighed. "I was looking for the mole in our pack and went to Max to ask some questions. He told me the true story behind the alpha and Luna's death. I didn't know about your half-brother though. I"m sorry." He explained.

The expression on Roman's face was indescribable to them, but not to me. I knew how he felt because I felt the same way. He sat on the sofà taking deep breaths.

"She might be telling the truth, but there are many suspicious things. After your parents died, when you came back from the training camp, you were told that they died because of a rogue attack, which is strange because Alpha Ethan came with his pack and they weren't rogues." Jack suddenly said, and both Roman and I snapped our heads toward him. I had the same thought. "I was with you that day. There wasn't one particular person who said that, but all of them, which is strange. Do you think they all lied?"

He is right, everyone said the same thing, so I never doubted them.

"What about now? Do we have to suspect our pack now?" Roman added and started to nervously laugh. "This is crazy!"

"We need to call all the people who were present on the day of the attack and question them. Bring them to the training hall." I said to Jack.

"I know who we need to start with, Max seemed to know the story pretty well. Leave him to me, Archer." Roman demanded, but I knew it was because of his anger.

"Roman no, we will gently question everyone. They still belong to our pack and need our protection. Today we will find the truth and act accordingly." I told him and he nodded. "Besides I suspect one of them is cooperating with the Rogue, so we have to be careful," I added.

"Wait! Do you mean the mole responsible for my mate's death?" He asked suddenly, after being silent for a while. I could his eyes were darker and instantly knew he was about to lose control of his wolf.

"Yes, and this time I will make sure you get your revenge, Roman, but I need you to focus. Don't go on a rampage, I have to find Annabelle and I need your help." I told him. I asked his help as a brother, not as an alpha. I know I was asking a lot. He was doing his best to control himself. If it were me, I would have gone crazy and killed everyone.

"Archer, when I lost Amelia, I lost a part of myself. I will kill everyone involved in this, but first, we will find our Luna. I don't want you to feel the same way I do." Roman said before walking out. I knew he had gone for a ran because he needed it to help him focus later.

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