35. The Council part 1

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A week after the attack


The piercing sound of the alarm clock woke me up. I kept hearing the high-pitched ringing in my ears even after I turned it off.

"Hmmm, good morning angel." My handsome mate said between kisses.

"Good morning darling," I said pecking his lips and standing up.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I had left my clothes in the bedroom, so I put on just the towel and went to the wardrobe. As I  was in front of the closet I felt Archer hugging me and kissing my neck. I smiled, feeling the sparks was amazing as always, but there was something else, through the bond I could feel guilt and sadness. I immediately turned to face my mate because I knew those weren't my feelings.

"Archer, what's wrong?" I asked, touching his cheeks.

"I'm sorry." He said guiltily and lowered his gaze. I sighed softly,  knowing he still feels guilty for not being able to save me right away.

He blames himself for putting me through Derek's torture, and every time he sees the scars on my back he makes this face. I will have these scars all my life because the whip he used was silver. I would still be in the hospital room if it wasn't for Raven, who helped me with the healing process. Because those wounds were caused by a silver weapon, it was hard to heal them even with my werewolf powers.

"It's not your fault, Archer. You are an amazing mate and I feel so lucky to have you." I said pecking his lips. "And... if you keep showing me this face, I will have to punish you. " I added cheekily and he chuckled.

"Punish me!?" He asked while grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Now you have my full attention. What punishment do you have in mind?" He whispered close to my ear and started kissing my neck again where my mark was. He knows very well that it's my weak spot.

"Archer... " I moaned his name when he stopped. I looked confused and whimpered as I thought we were going to do something.

"I'm sorry Angel, but we have to meet up with Alex. We are getting late and it's not polite to keep guests waiting. " He explained and I sighed.

"Fine. " I said pouting. 

Since the kidnapping, Archer has become more possessive and controlling. He never leaves my side, which is sometimes good, especially when I have nightmares. On the other hand, I think he is too much, I have to stay with him in the office or he will not be able to concentrate. I accept it gladly because I know he needs it to heal. He has nightmares too, I can feel it in the bond, and he often shuts down the connection. He doesn't want to show me his weak side and acts strong.
When we reached the office, Archer asked the maid to bring us breakfast.

"You know,  I can prepare that. " I told him, smiling.

"It's okay my Belle, I would rather have you here. " He replied sitting on his chair and signaling for me to sit down on his lap.

I happily complied and kissed him on the cheek. "The kitchen is close to the office. It will take me just half an hour." I insisted.

"The kitchen is close to my room too,  but the last time I let you there, you disappeared so I would rather not." He told me seriously.

When I was about to explain to him that it was different because I wasn't in the kitchen, someone knocked on the door.

"Alex, come in," Archer said.  "I'm glad you finally learned how to knock." He added.

"That's because I knew your mate was with you. I don't want to catch you doing something, I'm not a pervert." He replied sitting on the couch and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"I wish we were doing something," I thought to myself. Archer and I still hadn't done anything since the kidnapping. He treats me as if I were made of porcelain. When I told him about it, he said he wanted to give me time to heal. I'm healed, I just have nightmares. Archer started drawing circles on my back to comfort me. He probably felt my feelings through the bond, which I had forgotten to block.

"What did the council decide? " Archer asked changing the subject.

"You will undergo the trial in two days, as decided. They said your mate is healed, so there was no reason to delay further. I'm sorry, Archer. " He responded apologetically.

"No problem, I just had to try. I had already prepared my defense with Jack and Roman's help. A couple more days would have helped, but I'm ready."

"What if you lose the case? " I asked concerned, not having asked him yet.

"He would be stripped of his alpha position, which will be assigned to Roman," Alex replied, and I gasped in surprise.

"Can they do that?" I asked and they both nodded.

"I will not be stripped of my position, and if that happened I would never regret saving you. " Archer said trying to reassure me,  but I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He loves his pack and takes care of everyone.
After the attack, we still had Keira and Max in the dungeon, at first he wanted to make them rogues, but it felt unfair to his brother since both of them were involved in Amelia's death so they were sentenced to death. After the decision, Max showed his true face and told him that he thought that Archer was weak as his father and that he would have left them leave alive. He insulted Archer and Roman several times,  but he didn't bat an aye. To consider leaving someone alive, despite the pain the person has inflicted on you shows how strong you are, it's not a weakness.

"I'm so proud of you," I told him through mind-link as he spoke to Archer, and he smiled.

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