Chapter Seventeen

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10:12 PM, Hufflepuff Common Room

Nora stared at her shoes as she sat on the couch, her face red with embarrassment. She could see Poppy pacing out of the corner of her eye, but tried her hardest to avoid any sort of direct eye contact.

They had been sitting there for about ten minutes in an awkward, uncomfortable silence while Nora awaited Poppy's numerous questions.

Finally, she spoke. "So, when were you planning to tell me?"

"I promise that I was going to say something! It's just I couldn't find the right time nor words to do so." Nora reasoned. She obviously was going to tell Poppy, but part of her was worried that Ominis would start acting unreasonably cold with her again, and she didn't want to burden Poppy with her own heartbreak all over again.

Poppy let out a sigh, her feet still retracing the same pathway repeatedly. "Are you two together, then?"

Nora shrugged, unsure exactly what the correct answer to that question was. They hadn't exactly established a label for their relationship yet, and honestly, a small part of her had been hoping that she could get the clarification she was seeking tonight before Poppy and Sebastian interrupted.

"How do you not know?" Poppy groaned. "Has he asked you on a date?"

Nora shook her head, still staring at her feet. She could see the candlelight flicker against the black shine of her shoe. "No."

"But you've nearly kissed?" Poppy questioned.

"Actually, we've already kissed." She corrected, her face burning along with the candle she stared at within the reflection.

There was another moment of silence before Poppy broke it in an exasperated voice. "Are you serious? Why haven't I heard of this until now?" She exclaimed.

"It was only last night, Poppy! By the time I came back, you were fast asleep, and I didn't want to bother you!" Nora tried to reason with her.

"I wouldn't have cared, this is big news! I can't believe Sebastian knew before I did!" She groaned, still pacing furiously.

Nora sighed, burying her face in her hands as she tried to hide away from her exposed love life. Had she actually angered Poppy? She tried to imagine herself in Poppy's position, trying to grasp if this was true betrayal or if her friend was simply shocked.

To be fair, Poppy hasn't exactly explained her situation with Sebastian.

The couch sunk as she felt Poppy sit down next to her. Nora felt a hand lay on her shoulder, and didn't shy away from the comforting squeeze she received. "Look, I'm not upset. I just...I'm shocked, is all." She said in a kind, gentle tone.

Nora looked up from her hands and stared at Poppy. Her eyes were softly warm, and as she gazed at Nora, they reminded her of her own mother's, safe and caring. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Besides, even if I was upset, it's your life. Who am I to tell you how to live it?" Poppy smiled as she let her hand fall from Nora's shoulder.

Relief flooded Nora's body as Poppy spoke. It was quite strange how her friend had such an intuition as to what Nora needed to hear. "Thanks, Poppy." Nora smiled back.

Poppy's grin grew as she spoke. "Of course. Just promise me one thing."

"Yes?" Nora prompted.

"No more secrets!" She teased, holding up a fist with her pinky extended.


Nora knew Poppy was joking, but her gut began to twist with guilt as she remembered the large secret she was keeping from her. Assuming that Sebastian hadn't told her, Poppy was still blissfully unaware of the truth behind Solomon's death.

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