Part 18

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Fourth and Jisoo were having lunch after they went out from the hospital when Gemini called him. He had called multiple times. But Fourth didn't pick it up.

"Just answer it Fourth..maybe it's important." Jisoo said.

"I don't know what to say Ji.." Fourth replied her.

"You don't have to say about this for now.. Find the right time Fourth..ok.." Jisoo was so concerned about him.

"Why didn't I remembered my birth control!! Why was I so careless Ji??!!" Fourth folded his hands on the table.

"This is already happen Fourth.. Regret wouldn't fix your problems.. We are human Fourth.. We made mistake.. But please don't say that this is a mistake.. Your soon to be baby is innocent.." Jisoo caressed his arms. "If I could, I want to be in your place Fourth.. I want to feel it..being pregnant..But you know I couldn't.. That's why I'm begging you to keep him. We'll find a way to tell Gemini about this.."

Fourth was crying. "It's so hard Ji.. What if my parents knew about this? They will be disappointed in me. I'm not only pregnant but I'm pregnant by his son in law. My own brother in law.."

"Fourth please.. I know.. I know.. But your child didn't ask to be conceived. This is your proof of love with the one you Love..I'm sure Gemini will choose you if he know this..ok.." Jisoo was crying now. Fourth had the thought to abort the baby. She would do anything to stop him. "We'll figure it out.. Please.."

Fourth looked at her. He knew that it would be hard for him but Jisoo was right. His baby is innocent. This was his mistake, the baby did nothing wrong. Now he promised himself, he would keep the baby.

"You're right Ji.. I'll keep him. I'll do my best to keep him.." Fourth wiped his tears. He would find a way to tell Gemini about this.

Buzzz Buzzz

Fourth saw a message in his phone from Mark. He opened it and when he read it he felt dizzy again.

Mark sent the video about Aye and Gemini. Aye had announce her pregnancy with Gemini by her side.

Jisoo read it too and she was furious.

"That girl was a bitch!" Jisoo slammed her hands on the table.

His phone buzzing again and this time Gemini called him again. Fourth hesitate first but he answered it.


[Fourth.. Baby where are you?? Why didn't you pick up my calls??]

Fourth sighed. "I'm with Jisoo now.. Lunch.."

[Why didn't you answered my call? Are you that busy with her?]

"Don't start Gem! We just having lunch.. I forget  I put my phone in my bag. I'm sorry na.."

[Ok.. Where are you? We have to meet now!]

Fourth glanced at Jisoo. "I can't now-"

[You saw the news?]

".... "



[Let's meet now.. I'll explain everything.]

"I can't.. I'll talk to you later ok."

[But Fourth-]

Fourth hung up the phone. He looked at Jisoo. Jisoo shook her head. She was confused why Fourth avoiding him.

"You can't avoid him forever Fourth.." She said.

"I know.. But I need time.. All happens at the same time Ji.." Fourth rubbed his face.

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