Part 26

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"Shall we get"

Fourth heart still beat fast. How he longed for that voice of him. Gemini ushered him to get inside. Fourth bite his lips and walk inside. He looked around the spacious penthouse that looks luxurious and extravagant.

He was fidgeting his fingers a little bit nervous. He felt like the first time when  he met Gemini.

Gemini stared at Fourth's back deeply

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Gemini stared at Fourth's back deeply. The urges to just hugged him from behind was too much. But he had to restrain himself. He and Fourth had to talk first.

"Uhmm.. Please sit down here Fourth.." Gemini lead him to the dining table that full with foods.

Fourth nodded and saw that all the foods on the table were his favourite.

"Uhm did you plan all of this?" Fourth asked him.

Gemini stared at him lovingly. "Yes.." Their eyes met and they kept maintaining it until Fourth cut it out.

He looked at everywhere but Gemini.

"Fourth.. Baby.. Let's eat first.. I'm sure you're hungry.." Gemini said while looking straight to Fourth's eyes.

Fourth kept looking at him. Gemini hold his hand and smiled at him.

"Eat first.. We have all the time to talk after this.."

Then both of them were enjoying their dinner. They didn't talk while eating. They just sneaked a glance at each other.

"I'm full... Thank you na.." Fourth said and he caressed his belly without he realized it. Gemini noticed it and he looked straight to Fourth's belly. Yes.. The baby bump was so visible now. Even though it still small. Because he knew Fourth had flat tummy before so this change in him was instantly caught his eyes.

As he realized what's his doing, Fourth straightened himself on his seat. Gemini then took his hand and lead him to the couch.

"I want to take you sit out there on the patio but it's a little breezy.. So we better sit here ok.." Gemini said.

Fourth gave him a faintly smile and he sat on the couch. Gemini sat beside him and stared deeply at him.

"Fourth.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for all That I did to you.. I hurt you.. I should have tell to you first before I did what I did.. I...I... Don't want to lose you Fourth.. I.." Gemini's eyes were welled up with tears.

Fourth held back his hands and squeezed it.

"I know... Dad already told me everything.. Gem I'm sorry too.. I just took my action without thinking.. It's my selfish self that was too afraid to face the reality. To know that you chose her over me.. Yes... I was hurt Gem.. Like I was broken.. But now.. After I knew the reason why you did that.... It should be me who ask your apologize Gem.." Fourth was sobbing now.

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