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This will be  my only mha x fnaf Story. This is all my head canon so characters may act out of character.

Everyone knows the story of the Afton family. The husband william, the wife Clara, the oldest son Michael, the middle child Elizabeth and the youngest child Chris. But what if I were to tell you there was another child one who is older then Michael. That's what this story is about.

We open up to two young boys waking up in there bedrooms. These boys are Terrence and Michael Afton. Terrence is the oldest at 9 years old and Michael is younger at 4 years old. While most people Think is that the family was perfect that was just what they seen on the surface. You see the father william was abusive to his oldest son. You see william would abuse both sons but Terrence makes sure to hide Michael before william could get to him.

Now you may also ask why didn't the mother just divorce him and leave well that's because william was emotionally abusive towards Clara and made her think very low of herself. Now william was a successful business man working with his partner Henry Emily. Henry knew William's family well even his oldest son Samuel was friends with William's son Terrence. Now as these two boys woke up for the day they would be none the wiser of what horrible acts were going to happen.

The two boys walk down the stairs and are greeted by their mother.

Clara: good morning my children

Both: morning mom

Clara: go wash up and sit down I'm almost done with breakfast

They do as their mom says and as they sit down they can see their father walk down the stairs in his work clothes

William: Michael Terrence after were done with breakfast get ready to leave

Clara: but dear its the weekend the boys don't hav-

William: SHUT UP DID I SAY I WAS TAKING THEM TO SCHOOL. God your so useless sometimes

Clara just stayed quiet after that

William: the reason you boys need to get ready is because Henry wants us to show the boys what were working on

Terrence didn't like this idea because he hates both his father and the animitronics he builds but if uncle Henry is bringing Sammy then he'll just go for him and to protect Michael. After they ate and got ready they hopped into their dad's car and drove to Afton robotics the home base of anything and everything fredbear or whatever other animitronics Terrence's father and uncle were making. As they arrived and got out they seen their uncle Henry and their uncle Vincent with Sammy standing a little ways away from them. Sammy spots us and waves and says

Samuel: hey uncle william, Terry, Mikey

William: hey Samuel

Henry: oh William I didn't notice you pulled up Vincent was just asking me about the new projects we had planned

Vincent: Hey Will sorry for coming around like this

William: no its fine really we were gonna show the boys anyway so why not one more

Henry: alright then lets go inside

As they walk inside william walks them to three animitronics  an orange and white fox, an alligator who looks like he was spit out by the 70s, and a more plush rabbit type suit that looked a bit like spring Bonnie.

These animitronics were

These animitronics were

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Montgomery gator or Monty for short

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Montgomery gator or Monty for short

Montgomery gator or Monty for short

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And glitchtrap

William: these are our newest models

Terrence: umm dad that last one looks more like a mascot costume then a animitronic

William: that's because its gonna be like fredbear or spring Bonnie where you can move the springlocks and use it as a suit

Terrence: *thoughts* great another deathtrap one of these days someone is going to die by faulty spring locks or getting water spilled onto the suit while their in it

Then Michael needed to go to the bathroom and Henry volunteered to take him

William: so boys do you want to see the main function of these 3

Terrence: yeah sure that's why were here

Vincent: come on problem child I know you hate your old man but be respectful just a little

Terrence: ok uncle Vince

William turned on lolbit and Monty while allowing Vincent to put on the glitchtrap suit and that's when tragedy struck. Monty malfunctioned and bit samuel's arm of. Lolbit had grabbed Terrence and shoved him into his chest cavity crushing him almost instantly. The worst of all the blood splatter from Terrence being crushed activated the spring locks in the suit Vincent was wearing and crushed him to death. William was distraught because not only did his oldest son just die right in front of him but so did his brother. All william could do was scream and blame himself for what just happened. Henry came running when he heard the screaming and seen the carnage. The 3 were pronounced dead on arrival from the paramedics but only samuel's body was able to be taken in due to them not being able to pry open the lolbit animitronic or pull the glitchtrap suit off. From that day on though william pledged that he would be a better father for Michael for his oldest son's sake


Wow the longest chapter I wrote for any of my stories that's amazing I feel like I'm getting a lot better at this but you guys tell me what you think

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