6 months or should I say years william POV

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I need no introduction but you're all here about my side of the story eh? Well it all started 6 years ago after the faithful day of the deaths of tarrence Samuel and Vincent and Clara came to me with some news

Clara: umm dear I know this isn't the best time but I have some news

I look and noticed she had something in her hand

Me: what is it?

She hands me what was in her hand to find out it was a pregnancy test and it was positive. So for the next few months I set up a room for this new child and after nine months Elizabeth was born and I was happy. We spent one year all on Elizabeth until Clara was pregnant again. After another few months chris was born. For three years we lived like a normal life I worked with Henry on new projects, continued with old projects and spent time with my family. We were happy. One day though everything changed. I had to go to the sister location witch isn't unusual they are my original creations but Clara had to go out with her family and Michael was at school so I had to take Elizabeth and chris with me. While we were there I gave Elizabeth one strict rule

Me: whatever you do don't go near the animatronics

Chris: ok dad

Elizabeth: but why daddy

Me: just don't please

Elizabeth looked like she understood but she wasn't going to listen. As soon as I went to get to work Elizabeth had dragged chris towards circus baby

Elizabeth: come on chris

Chris: but dad said-

Elizabeth: are you really going to listen to dad your whole life?

Chris: yes because dad's trying to keep us safe

Elizabeth: stop being a baby chris

Elizabeth walked up to circus baby and said

Elizabeth: daddy doesn't want me to be around you

Circus baby looks at her not noticing chris in the back and a glitch in her system activated and she opened up the ice cream maker in her chest cavity.

Elizabeth: is that for me?

Elizabeth walked closer to take the ice cream but then tragedy struck when the claw arm holding the ice cream dropped it and pulled Elizabeth in and shutting the hatch. Chris ran up to me screaming about an animatronic grabbing Elizabeth so I followed him and I see circus baby and knew what happened. Try as I may or might I could never get circus baby open. We had a small funeral for her but after that chris was terrified of animatronics. Over the next few months Michael started acting differently towards chris. After a few months it was chris' birthday party and everything went wrong. Michael and his friends decided to play a prank by putting his head near the fredbear animatronic and it bit his frontal lobe off. He died five days later.

It's been years since then I lost my kids. Lost my wife. Michael is all I have left. But today will be different today someone talk to me and tell me how to bring my kids back.


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