A new world

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Hey again it's tarrence or izuku as inko calls me, I guess I should explain

So I don't remember much about how I got here but when I did I was human again.... Well kind of

Lolbit: hey tar-r-rrence where are we?

Izuku: don't got a clue

Lolbit: h-h-hey your human again

Izuku: but how

I didn't have much more time to think as a woman with forest green hair ran over to check up on me

???: oh dear are you ok?

Izuku: yeah I think

???: you think and you are, are two different things

Izuku though about that for a few seconds then said

Izuku: yes I'm ok

???: good now what's your name dear?

Izuku: I'm tarrence

???: it's nice to meet you tarrence I'm-

Inko: inko midoriya but you can just call me inko

Izuku: it's nice to meet you but where am I?

Inko: we're in the Mustafu region of Japan

Izuku: wow I'm far away from utah

Inko: did someone use their quirk to teleport you here?

*in head*

Izuku: lolbit what's a quirk?

Lolbit searches their database

lolbit: a quirk is like a superpower

Izuku: so would you count?

Lolbit: p-p-probably but I'd just say i-i-its teleportation if she asks

*back in the real world*

Izuku: yeah someone with a portal quirk did it

Inko: you poor kid how about you stay with me, my husband is abroad right now

Izuku: sure

Inko then guided him home where she got him situated and set up in the guest room being none the wiser that Samuel and Vincent were there too


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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