6 months- katsuki/samuel's POV

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Hey its Samuel or katsuki as my new family calls me. You might be confused on why I got a name change well it all started 6 months ago

I woke up in complete darkness with no sense of how long I was there for until I heard a voice

???: you finally awake runt

Me: who said that

A figure appears from the darkness and I recognized him as Monty and immediately starts to try backing away

Me: y-your the one who ripped my arm off

Monty: I know damn it there was a glitch in my code that your uncle william didn't catch so I wasn't fully aware of it

I calm down a bit as I stand up

Me: so where are we

Monty: we're in our shared subconscious

Me: what happened after I died

Monty: well it seems that the lolbit animitronic had the same problem in their code and they crushed your cousin

I was shocked to hear the news that Terrence died too. For the first 2 months I was stuck in the subconscious until one day I woke up in a strange room

Me: hey Monty where am I and why do I sound so much like you

Monty: it seems you gained control of our shared body but at least it was after all the shows were over today

Me: you mean that uncle william had us out on the main stage

Monty: not your uncle but fazbear Corporation specifically some of the people who are directly under your father and uncle did under their noses safe to say they were pissed

I go and walk around and find out the place were in is huge and looked like a mall. I kept walking around till I ran into another animitronic who looked like fredbear

???: Monty are you ok you look surprised to see me

Me: uhh

Monty takes control back for a few seconds

Monty: Freddy I'm fine it just seems I'm possessed and he has control right now

The animitronic that I now know as Freddy gives me a knowing look

Freddy: well I'm glamrock Freddy what's your name

Me: uhh Samuel Emily

Freddy: its nice to meet you Samuel but you should meet the rest of the crew

Me: alright

Freddy showed me around and I met everyone like the main crew: glamrock chica who takes a striking resemblance to some toy animitronic based on chica that my dad was working on, Roxanne wolf who was full of herself saying she's the best at everything, glamrock bonnie who Monty showed a distaste towards even though he was really nice, glamrock foxy who was your run of a mill pirate fox and lastly the daycare attendant who was 2 animitronics in 1 witch was weird.

The next 3 months I would hang out with the crew talk to Monty sometimes and I may have started crushing on Freddy a bit but when I heard him and bonnie were a thing I felt mad but I understood but Monty was pissed. That was the day I understood the feelings I had for Freddy weren't my own but monty's so I just kept the feelings buried. At the start of the 5th month Monty took control and I watched in horror as he led bonnie to gator golf and beat him with a putt until bonnie deactivated then dragged his body to the trash compactor and started it. After that I got control back but I wouldn't leave the room. I couldn't face Freddy not after what Monty did. Half way through the 5th month Freddy forced his way into the room to talk to me

Freddy: Samuel what's wrong you've locked yourself in here after every show and cancelled all your meet and greets with your fans

Me: *looks at freddy* he did something bad

Freddy: who did and what did they do and have you seen bonnie

At that point I started to cry as Freddy hugged me

Me: m-monty broke bonnie. He took control and had m-me watch as he beat and destroy bonnie

Freddy was shocked to say the least but kept hugging me

Freddy: and you thought I would hate you because of what Monty did right

I nod my head as I continue to cry

Freddy: it wasn't you're fault Samuel so please calm down

I finally calm down and let go of freddy

Me: thanks freddy I needed that

Freddy: no problem Samuel now we need to talk to the security guard about it don't worry she knows about you possessing Monty and she's super friendly

I nod and he leads me to this woman who looks fresh out of high school in a night guard outfit

Freddy: officer Vanessa

The woman I now know as Vanessa looks at me and freddy then asks I'm one question

Vanessa: Monty or Samuel

Freddy: Samuel

Vanessa: hi Samuel why do you look so down

I flinch a bit then proceeded to explain what happened at the beginning of the month and why I've been so shut in recently. She looks shocked but then begun to say

Vanessa: thank you for reporting what Monty did and don't worry Samuel you're not in trouble

I calmed down after hearing that. Vanessa told freddy to take me to where the others were and explain the situation. After freddy told them I hear chica say

Chica: are you ok Samuel that sounds very traumatic

Foxy: ARRG the lass is right matey that probably wasn't a pretty sight to see

Me: y-your not mad at me

Roxy: of course not it was Monty who did it not you

I started to cry again as I said

Me: n-no I'm not ok I saw bonnie as a brother and I thought I could t-trust Monty but then he betrayed me

They all hugged me as I cried harder. After that I hung out with them more while Monty kept trying to get control back. The start of the 6th month I was going back to my room after a meet and greet with some kids when I heard freddy yell


But it was too late I fell into the portal and blacked out.


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