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...If just both the woman thought that about each other as well...

Y/n pov:
I woke up the next morning in Enid's bed. It was weekend, so it was a little easier to avoid Frump.

Not because I wanted to, hell I want nothing more than her holding me in her arms, but because of Weems. I don't wanna know what she will do to me if she catches me again, so I have to keep distance. Even if it's hard, I will just let faith decide what's best for me.

My thoughts got interrupted by Enid moving around in my arms „Y/n?" She asked sleepily while rubbing her eyes. „Yes, I'm awake" I stroked through her hair and she yawned. „Can we sleep a little more?" She asked while she already closed her eyes again. „Yes you can sleep more" I could feel her slightly nodding, while she relaxed in my arms again. When I was about to close my eyes too, a knock was heard on the door.

„Come in" I whisper shouted, since Enid is a fast sleeper. The door slowly cracked open and I was met with my principal. Her usual warm smile dropped a bit, when she saw Enid in my arms, but I didn't care honestly.

„How come your up so early" I asked as I looked her up and down, amazed by her look. "Darling it's 11am" She tilted her head and I giggled "Oups" She smiled at me and looked like she got lost in my eyes, but quickly shook herself out of her trance. "Anyways, what I wanted to say is, get ready you're gonna get your canoe today" I nodded and carefully got out of bed, completely forgetting that my nightwear is quite revealing.

I walked over to my closet and chuckled to myself as I caught her taking a quick glimpse of my chest. "I should get going" She swiftly turned around and grabbed for the handle, when she stopped herself. "And Y/n" I hummed, turning my head to her. "Be a good girl and stay away from Frump okay?" She left before I could say something, but maybe it was better that way, because I can't find the right words. I'm a blushing mess for these woman.

"Was someone in here just now?" I turned my head to Enid and laughed at her messed up hair. "Yeah, Weems said we're getting the canoe's today, so be ready to paint" I said, while going with my clothes in the bathroom to change.


We walked in the quad and that's when I noticed how much of a quiet girl I am. People I never saw in my life, stared at me weird and some of them even whispered something to their friends.

I felt really uneasy but luckily Enid grabbed my hand and dragged me to our canoe, where Yoko and the others were already sitting, forcing me to turn my head away from those stupid kids.

„Hey Y/n, hey Enid" They said as we sat down next to them. We greeted them back and grabbed ourselves a brush. They already started painting, so we just continued where they stopped.

We painted for a good few minutes until someone interrupted us- or more like me.

„Hey Y/n, can I talk to you real quick?" I looked up and immediately froze.

It was Frump, looking down at me so innocently.

„I don't think we wanna bother miss L/n right now, do we?" Weems laid her hand on Morticia's shoulders and I couldn't help but smirk a bit.


„No but's, Morticia. Go" She stomped away angrily and my whole group looked at me. I didn't know how to explain that to them so I started fidgeting with my fingers. „It was about your homework right?" Weems asked while she kneeled down to my level. I quickly nodded and shot her a thankful smile for saving me out of that situation.

My friends didn't seem to bother and turned their attention to the canoe again. Weems stayed seated and to my luck, no one noticed how she sneaked her hand up my neck and in my hair. She started caressing my hair and I allowed myself to relax in her touch a bit. I was happy that due to her war with Frump, she knew how stressed that situation made me.

„Everyone, I ordered pizzaaa" Miss Thornhill called out, before sitting down on the grass. She placed 7 pizza cartons down, and everyone hopped up and ran to her.

I was the only one that didn't move, not even a bit. „Are you alright?" Weems brung her head closer to me, still running her fingers through my hair. „Yes, I'm okay" I spoke quietly.

„Don't you wanna eat something?" She asked me. I really wanted to say no. I'm not the slightest bit in the mood to eat something now, but I didn't want to disappoint her. I silently nodded my head and she smiled warmly, moving my hair away from my ear before giving me a quick peck behind it. „Then come on" She whispered sweetly. My cheeks flushed red and I turned my head away in embarrassment.

I grabbed her hand for support while standing up and dragged her with me once I did so. She walked close behind me and I wanted to take her hand again so bad, but I couldn't. Nobody looked at us but it would be to risky.

Once we sat down and grabbed ourselves some pizza, I did spotted someone looking at me. It was two boys, looking at me weirdly while talking shit to one another. Weems saw that I was uncomfortable so she made me turn my attention to her.

„Just ignore them darling" I nodded even tho I couldn't just ignore them.

That's how it always starts. First they look at you, then they talk about you and before you know it, they beat you up if you don't do what they say. I mean.. that's how it's been in my other schools.

I literally started the thing with the bullying here and never ended it

Word count: 1035

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