Hey loser

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...She laid in my arms as almost silent snores were heard from her. I gently kissed the top of her head while whispering „I love you"...

Y/n pov:
Enid was still sick in bed, so the next day I had to go alone to my classes, again. The only thing that put me off a bit was that I knew Bianca was warned and scared by now. So after all, it wasn't really that much of a big deal, but still the new rumors made me hella uncomfortable. Apparently Bianca had told some kid that asked what happened to her, that I threatened her with a knife. Of course it was a lie but rumors which get set by Bianca don't need long to spread around, so almost everyone that doesn't know me looks at me in disgust now. Not that I really care, me and my friends know the truth, and anything else is unnecessary information for us, but I fear the ones that are stronger than me, especially when they're one of Bianca.

"Hey loser" I heard someone call. I already assumed they meant me, therefore I didn't budge and just walked along, minding my own business. "I was talking to you" He spoke again, pushing me back by my shoulder. "And I was ignoring you" I mocked him.

His eyebrows furrowed as he, like I expected, pushed me up against the wall. His pressure laying on my throat taking my air away. "Your dumbass shouldn't be talking" He spat in my face. I tried to push him off with all my strength but he only pressed me harder against the wall. „Do you really think you're strong enough to escape?" He laughed out, shaking his head sarcastically.

Not wanting to seem as weak as I actually am, a slight smirk replaced my fearful face. „Be careful, wouldn't want to have this neck of your's cut off" His brows furrowed once again as he pressed his elbow against my throat. I gasped for air and tried to move my hands, but they were trapped in his grasp. „Sluts like you should be careful of who they talk to" His fist met my eye and I groaned, holding it in pain as he let me fall to the ground.

Almost tripping over my own aching legs, I managed to hold myself up by the wall. Then he left after kicking his knee in my stomach. I groaned even louder and fell to the ground coughing.

Nobody was on the hall anymore and nobody witnessed what just happened, which also meant I'm late to class. I let my head lean against the wall as my whole body relaxed in the pain. My eye stung and I held both, it and my stomach, as I tried to get up from the ground. Stumbling over to my dorm, I used all my strength to slam my fist against the door, loud enough so Enid would wake up and open the door for me.

Almost giving up, I sighed and lowered my head. „Is everything okay?" The door being opened, Enid took my cheeks in her hand while her voice was full of worry. „Promise you won't freak out when you see my face"

„Y/n why would I freak ou- OMG" She lifted my face up and immediately slapped her hands over her mouth in shock. „WHAT HAPPENED?" She lightly touched the eye that wasn't injured before and I flinched. „You said you wouldn't freak out" I whispered while I put my hand over my eye again.

Completely ignoring me she stared at her own hand that was covered in blood, her face full of horror. „Ew Enid your hand is bleeding" I pointed to her red stained hand while making a disgusted face. „YOUR FACE IS BLEEDING IDIOT" I made an O shape with my mouth as I brung my hand up to my eye, carefully wiping some of the blood away. „Fuck"

„Yeah, fuck. Come inside" She guided me inside by my back and got the first aid kit out after. I sat on my bed while watching her prepare everything to clean my eye.

„Frump and Weems cannot see this" I spoke in a serious tone, not wanting the goth one to take any actions. „I know, they won't" She held my face in her hands „Bite your fangs together" I did just that, while she wiped my eye clean with some disinfectant. "Ow fuck" I flinched once the fabric touched my skin. Enid had a pitiful look on her face knowing she can't help me right now.

She put everything in the kit again and went to place it on it's usual spot. "Here take this" After a bit of rummaging around in one of her drawers, she pulled out a pair of black sunglasses. "No one will see" I gave her a thankful look, gladly taking them out of her hands and putting them on.

"I have 15 minutes left before the next class starts" Enid raised one brow, shooting me a glare I couldn't quite interpret. "Do you really wanna go?" I got off of the bed and walked to the door. "Frump" Shrugging, I went out of the room, leaving my roommate in it alone.

"Why aren't you in class young lady" I walked just around the corner and there stood Larissa, towering above me, hands on her hips. "Uhh.. E- Enid needed me" Weems tilted her head and copied the werewolf's action by raising her perfect plucked eyebrow. "Yeah, she's still sick y'know, it really got her"

"And why are you wearing sunglasses" She asked me in a stupid sarcasm I always want to run away from. "Because I'm a fang silly" I gave her a toothy grin but she didn't seem to be so fond of it. "You never wear sunglasses Y/n" The use of my first name made me gulp down anxiously, but I didn't dare to let her see that. "Yeah but today I'm being very sensitive so I have to wear them" I lied.

"Mhm" She gave me an unbelieving nod and left me standing in the corridor. I breathed out once she was out of sight. "That was fucking close" I spoke to myself, as I kept on walking to French class.

To my luck I came right on time and nobody else seemed to care about the glasses. "Morning" Morticia grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile too "Morning"

I wondered why she was in such a smiley mood, but as I took a look around, I noticed how Bianca wore a scarf and had her hand on her neck. She stared at me with the death stare and I did the same, not caring if she could see it or not.

Yay I posted


Word count: 1147

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