Welcome to the 75th hunger games- Chp 4

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When we were being taken to the location of the arena I was sat next to Fin.
He held onto my hand but I quickly pulled away.
"Fin. We cant be a target," I whispered.
"I think we've already done that Star," He told me, "Or at least Snow has."
I interlocked my fingers with his and he put his other hand on-top of both ours.
"Its okay. I'm here and I'm gonna keep you by my side during the games," Finnick lifted up my hand and kissed it.

When I got into my pod, it closed and I was transported up. It was interesting. We were on stands in a giant lake which had black stone runways. The cornucopia in the middle with a countdown on-top.
I eyed a spear and sword
It helped me win the last games
I can do this!
I dived into the water and swam.
I made it to the cornucopia fast and grabbed my weapons. Finnick and Katniss arrived and Katniss pointed her weapon at me.
"Shes with me," Finnick told Katniss before she could do anything.
"Wouldnt want to kill Haymitch's best friend would you," I asked her while swigging a sword onto my back.
"I'll get Mags. You guys find Peeta," Finnick told us.
"Whats your two's deal anyway?" Katniss asked as we rushed around to find Peeta.
"I dont know! Star-crossed lovers 2.0?" I shrugged.
We found Peeta struggling because someone was attacking him.
"Peeta come on!" Katniss encouraged.
"Hit him!" Peeta yelled.
"We could hit you!" I yelled back and Peeta and this man went under water.
We were worried but he eventually came back up.
Me, Fin, Mags, Peeta and Katniss all ran off. Peeta was also very close to dying at one point but Finnick saved him.
"Okay! We'll keep watch while sleeping. I'll go first," Finnick suggested.
"Ye no!" Katniss shook her head, "How do we know you wont just steal our weapons and run off?"
"Sweetheart! That thing I did for Peeta there, is called saving his life. If I wanted to kill any of you, I would have done it already. But I'm not going to," Finnick gripped his trident.
I sat down against a tree and sighed.
"Star?" Finnick looked down at me.
"Its okay. I'll just tired and hot," I assured him.
"Is there any way of getting fresh water?" Peeta asked.
I shook my head, "We need a tap for the tree which we don't have."
"How do we know you are telling the truth," Katniss looked down at me.
"Excuse me?" I looked up at her offended.
"How do we know that anything you say or do isn't a lie? The fact you are the third contestant from district 3 is suspicious," Katniss pointed out.
"Would I be able to change your mind if I said that if Haymitch was here instead of Peeta, I would have defended him with my life," I added.
"Why are you even friends? You're from different districts," Katniss looked at me confused.
"You don't have to Star," Finn told me
"He trained me," I stood up, "I didnt have a trainer because Beety and Wiress were severely ill. Haymitch found out and felt sorry for me because he was never trained. He trained me alongside the contestants of district 12 the best he could and he thought I had potential. He was right in his assumption. Winning was easy. Now if you don't mind. Having an ally would be better than going crazy alone. Finnick's right. We should rest."

Katniss and Finnick took first watch. I fell asleep with my head on his lap and I felt him stoking my head as he did. But at one point I was woken up to the sound of the music that plays when someone dies.
I looked up at the sky and saw the pictures.
Finnick lowered his trident and covered my ears before I could. From our letters he knew I didn't like loud noises. I looked up and him and smiled with appreciation. Once it was over Finnick took his hands off my ears.
"If your not going to sleep, I will," Finnick told Katniss.
I moved my head off my leg and he laid down next to me. He put an arm round me and I put a head on his shoulder. We both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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