Chapter 7

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That night my head was full of thoughts, equations, and memories coming back. My head was at it's capacity. I backed up and soon fell into a restful sleep.
I woke up to a crash sound. It was the doctor.
"Sorry.... I just had to get some stuff to make some... stuff." He murmured to me.
"You can... go back to sleep."
"No, it's ok. I'm up." I responded quickly.
The doctor left and I got out of bed and searched the doctor's closet and found myself shrinking.
To myself I said
" This man has everything and he only wears three outfits?"
I rummaged in the closet of his and found something to wear finally. A pair of worn-out jeans, a red plaid button up shirt, and white converse.
Wearing my new outfit I walked into the control room and found the doctor staring at screen of his.
I said breaking the silence between us. He glanced at me then smiled.
"Hi, are you ready?"
"Am I?! Of course!" I ran to the control panel and off we went. Not a clue where we are going but that's the fun of it. The sound of the TARDIS stopped and we both stepped out the TARDIS doorway. It was a city. Full of people. Full of stress. Full of anger. Full of cell phones? We had landed in the heart of New York City and everyone was taking pictures and blogging about the strange people from the blue box.
Murmurs from the crowd were continuing until one started calling Press, Police, and Emergency buildings. Then another, and another. then it was chaos. People rummaging around us cramming as many little pictures as they can into their overflowing cellphone. So many people ran towards us but the doctor and I looked at each other and ran our little butts into the TARDIS hearing cars crashing and screeching.
We closed and locked the door then caught our breaths. The Doctor and I exchanged looked then laughed until our hearts couldn't take it any more.
We stood there until the crowd was a more faint sound. The doctor peeked outside.
"On your knees and hands on the ground!"
A man said pointing a gun at the Doctor. I was watching through the screen on the control pad.
I ran out as fast as I could. I swung the TARDIS door open then the shots fired. Bullet in my arm, and a bullet in my leg. Just those bullets ripped my skin apart.
The doctor shouted before taking the rest on him. The bullets pierced threw his arms, thigh, and finally his waist.
"No! Doctor! no!" I screamed before collapsing onto him ignoring the pain that shot threw my flesh.
It was hard to here but I think I heard the man say.
"You idiot! I didn't say shoot!"
I was crying for help and so the men took him onto a bed and raced to get him to a hospital. I tried to run with them but the men were straining me down. I could see them. They were taking away the TARDIS.
They closed me in an ambulance and wrapped me where I was shot. Energy was running down my vains. I was regenerating. I panicked then looked all over to figure out why. Then I saw it. The blood leaking down from the side of my rib cage was staring to heal.
" I'm regenerating!"
The energy beamed though out the ends of my body it's to late. It hurts. The EMT was blinded and crashed from into the ambulance that has the doctor. Since nobody was wearing a seat belt they flung forward and fell unconscious. Now was the chance to save him. I ran to the doctor spotting him in the vehicle I quickly knew what to do. I put my hands over his wounds they slowly deteriorated and soon was a clean patch of skin. I used my regeneration energy before he could use his. The doctor didn't change one bit and I sat there until he woke up.
Most the pedestrians were frozen and some fled away from the ambulance in fear.
" Who are you?" The doctor asked blindly
"Is me Amara. I just regenerated."
"Your ginger! No fair.... I always wanted to be ginger." he said pouting.
" Are you okay." I said not liking the "ginger" idea looking into the vehicle's mirror. Bouncy reddish hair with blonde highlights was grown all the way down my back I was pale and had freckles covering my skin. But my eyes, they were so pale.
" You look great." The doctor said smiling as we exchanged glances.
"The TARDIS! I nearly forgot! They, they took it. They hauled it off somewhere."
We were at the edge of town and asked some pedestrians if they have seen a blue box taken around here.
And they all said,
" Try the helicopter!"
The doctor and I looked around to the loud noises up in the sky. There it was hanging from the helicopter was the TARDIS.
I yelled at the doctor interfering with the loud helicopter noise
"How'd they even get the TARDIS up there!?"
The doctor said still looking up at the TARDIS getting smaller the longer we took.
"Never mind! We have to follow it!"
The doctor ran AWAY from the disappearing helicopter.
I was trying to catch up with the doctor thinking
"Where the hell is he going?!"
The doctor ran up to the ATM and looked around and he stuck his sonic screwdriver into the machine. The ATM worked magic and out came a stack of money.
"Umm, okay but, doctor? What are you gonna do with that money?"
"You'll see." He responded focused on the street in front of us and yelled,
The yellow car rushed past the doctor to help someone else.
"That's a bit rude..." The doctor said
"Here, let me try," I said "TAXI!" Waving to the road.
The taxi stopped right in front of us as the helicopter was about to be gone from our sight. We got into the car and the doctor and I said at the same time
" Follow that helicopter!"
On the drive there I thought how on Galifrey they would sell TARDISES at the market. My family could never afford them. The process to grow was always so long.
Noticing me the doctor said
"What are you thinking about?"
And I said
"I was thinking about home. Galifrey."
"Well it's all gone now. Forever."
"Why did you run away from the daleks? Knowing you, you wouldn't  have done that so easily."
And then we heard a loud screech
"Pay up. The total is 9.47."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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