Chapter 2- Fuck Jake!

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Chapter 2
I'm writing this on a phone so the texting/ Borders portions might look weird


Drew POV (Again)

I woke up from my alarm blaring right next to my ear. what the hell? I felt like I couldn't open my eyes, not even thinking about moving.

"Hey Siri, turn off my alarm," I yelled out... ew, my voice sounds horrible. but at least the alarms.

After just sitting there for a while, I finally got the strength to open my eyes. I was in the music studio in my room. Also, it's not mine. The last kid that lived in my house was a famous singer or something and had this in their, now mine, room. They also, for some reason, left all their stuff????

I picked up my phone and checked the time damn 1. My battery is at 13%. I didn't charge it last night. And 2, it's 10:34 AM. School starts at 8... Well, I've only missed 4 days of school. They shouldn't get mad for being like 2 hours late.

I grabbed onto the table I woke up on and tried to push myself up. And I immediately fell back into the uncomfortable plastic chair. great. I can barely stand.

What did I do yesterday?

I thought about it... What happened yesterday??? I went to the party, drank that suspicious drink from that pollo cup, then took the whole bottle home, then...


I can't remember anything after that. I just remember closing the door yelling bye, then going into this room passing out, and waking up just now.

{ Wait, that means he remembers something, tho.... 💀}

Pause... who the hell was at my house? The only people I care about enough are Jake, Henry, and Liam (Zoey and lia just coming along) Couldnt be my dad, He doesn't care enough to say bye. Not mom, she doesn't leave in the daytime (only at night to party) And 100%, not Anny, she's in her dorm room.

I heard a low dook and checked my phone.
Did someone text me? Well I must know them, the contact has a name: NtFksanDj

{There is a meaning surprisingly 😭}

Jesus... What type of drugs was I on to make this cryptic ass name???


N: Hey
Thanks for comitoning
me last night!

D: Oh, you're welcome?

N: Your singing is actually really nice

D: Thank you

N: If you want to make any more
songs I will happily make
a beat

D: Oh sure


Huh... What singing are they even talking about? I don't sing??

Plus there talking about a comiton for a beat. Maybe-


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