🎧Howdy X Reader X Wally

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*Beep, beep beep!* You woke up to your annoying ass alarm, you sat up in your bed and rubbed your eyes, you stretched and yawned dramatically as if you didn't get enough sleep. You stepped out of bed and slipped on your slippers before heading downstairs to make some coffee (or tea if you prefer!) in order to wake yourself up, you had a very busy day ahead of you!

You got dressed in a lazy day outfit, grey sweatpants and a hoodie. You walked out of your home after putting on your sneakers and you went towards Howdy's Place to buy supplies for the upcoming summer picnic.

Each year on the first few weeks of summer the entire neighborhood throws a large picnic that everyone is invited to. At the picnic there are plenty of snacks, drinks, decorations, and plenty of things to do...the hard part is setting everything up! Each year a different person is put in charge of it and you've been avoiding being picked like it's the plague, though this year you were suddenly picked to replace Frank since he was sick and couldn't do it this year.

You walked into the shop to be greated by your boyfriends, Wally and Howdy who were stupidly flirting with eachother. You giggled and hugged the both of them tight, surprising them. "Oh, Howdy there lovebug! Is there something I can get you or are you just here to see little ol' me~?" You chuckled at his attempts of flirting but brushed it off before speaking again. "Haha....no- Actually, can I get a few apples? Around 10 will do!" He chuckled at your response and Wally's head shot up when he heard you talking sbout apples. "Oh? Are you buying apples for me?? What's the occasion that you would need ten apples....??'" Howdy and you both laughed at Wally, his obsession with apples was truly adorable...well ...exept for when he was trying to steal them from his shop- "Actually Wally, their going to be hosting for the summer picnic this year, you don't remember them panicking and crying about it for a week when they found out?" Howdy laughed remembering how panicked you were "Oh..yeah I remember that!" Both of them started laughing at you and Howdy rang up your apples, you were just about to speak when you noticed the time, you were EXTREMELY past schedule. You freaked out, grabbed you apples and ran out the store, waving bye aggressively.

Howdy and Wally stood there a bit confused but they both chuckled at you. "Well, I guess that means that we won't be seeing them until the picnic huh?" "Probably!" You rushed to the designated area for the picnic that you had chosen this year, the area sat at the top of a hill where a large, beautiful tree layed holding many different flowers and fruits in it. The view from the front was the neighborhood, you could see it all and on the other side it was the deep, dark, mysterious woods that surrounded the neighborhood. You layed down the large picnic blankets, hung lights, and decorations all around the place, you set out the food and once you finally finished you sighed in relief before remembering that you had to get dressed and ready. 

  You groaned in annoyance and rushed down the hill and twords your house, you wnet inside and put on a fancy-ish outfit, put up your hair and you held a medium sized box in your hands. You ran all the way back up the hill before you noticed a few of the neighbors already there, eating and talking with one another, Frank and Eddie were at Frank's home, cuddling and being lovey dovey you assumed. Everyone was there exept for Howdy and Wally, you sighed and greeted everyone. Poppy spoke with you about how much she loved the decorations, Barnaby and Julie attempted to go on the stage and tell a bunch of jokes, Sally was climbing the tree for some reason and You simply relaxed under the tree, you closed your eyes and hoped that Howdy and Wally would show up soon.

A few minutes had passed and you heard Howdy and Wally walk up to you and sit down with you underneath the tree. You immediately smiled brightly and hugged them, you grabbed the box from before and opened it, revealing three matching bracelets for the three of you. "Wow! These are so pretty, thank you lovebug!" "Mhm! I'll wear this forever and ever and ever and-" *you kissed Wally's lips in order to shut him up and he blushed when you did so, Howdy pouted his lips like a sad puppy and you laughed before kissing him on the lips as well. You yawned and adjusted your position to laying your head on Howdys lap and you closed your eyes, Wally smiled brightly and did the same. "Hehe..well aren't you two a bunch of cuddlebugs~!" He wrapped an arm around both of you and played with both of your hair with his other two hands. He smiled sincerely and closed his eyes as well, The soft, comforting wind blowing on the three of you and you all eventually fell asleep cuddling together under the tree....


Ngl i got this entire plot from c.ai, i was trolling in a chat with wally and howdy and it suddenly turned cute


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