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Passing by the same statue that has had captured my childhood. Holding my mother's gentle yet firm hand, we settled in to our tiny yet comfortable home,

'Something does not feel right.' I thought. Opening the sliding door confirmed my suspicion.

Blood was smeared all over the floor and walls. Chewing could be heard but was very quiet.

My mother gasps, seeing more clearly that our home was attacked. I look at her, she looks at me terrified. The same gentle hand was shaking profusely.

"Stay calm....." I say but added in with "The killer could still be here". She covers her mouth with her hand, seemly feeling a bit safer.

"I want to go inside but please stay right here okay ma?" I say to her, with a small smile. She shakes her head and says

"I don't want to be alone...please N/n...." She says, looking at me with an unsafe stare.

"I'll be quick, please hide" I said, after taking a couple steps to the door I see a bit more clear, with the little light that shines through.

Almost half of our family is gone, listening closely I hear no sounds of footsteps.
'How cruel to leave the bodies here without eating them whole' I thought.

Looking closely, no way a human could make cuts this huge, it doesn't even look like bear claws. I've see bears attack and it never looked like this before.

'The killer must've left' I thought.

I hear a weak whine, I turn to see my little brother barely holding onto life. I run towards him, scooping him gently. Holding in my tears for the horrible thing to come from our happy family.

Running towards my mom. She sees her youngest child in the arms of the oldest but.....was slowing passing away.

I didn't stop running, I had to keep going. He was barely FOUR. I could hear distant footsteps, turning my head slightly I see my mother, who is panicking.

Almost nearing the doctors but I could feel his heartbeat slowing down by the second.
I'm out of breath but I don't care. My feet are pain but that doesn't matter right now. I need to save my little brother, Haru.

Stopping to catch a small amount of breath, my mother opens the door to the doctors office. She's out of breath as well.

I run in, showing the nurses my little brother. One nurse scoops him up and runs to grab medical attention.

I fall to my knees, so does my mother. She looks at me.

"N/n what did you see back there...." She says calmly. I pause, remembering the scene before me.

My father.
My younger sister
My one other brother.

They were decapitated. Almost as if they head were surgically removed, if that killer was human. They would've been a former surgeon.

They had big bites on their shoulders, almost like eating an apple. Their hands were no more. What's weird is that they didn't have their feet.

"Papa........, Naru..., they are no longer here. They are all dead......" I sob quietly. I cannot hold it anymore.

Gentle tears clouded my vision.
'It's been a while since I last cried.'
I hear rapid breaths as if someone just ran a mile.
I see my mother, who looks like she's about to have a panic attack.

"What........?" She gently says. Her voice so quiet. But I heard it so clear.

There was no one at this doctor office.

What a cruel world...Demon Slayer × Male! Reader. Where stories live. Discover now