My own steel

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It's been 7 whole days, I tried to get Tanjiro to sleep but he's way too determined to sleep.


During the interaction with some scared face dude and Tanjiro. We grab the ores that feel right to us.

"I don't know what to choose" Some scar face guy said.

Me and Tanjiro walked up to the table and examined closely the ores that felt right.
"Me likey this one" I say. Grabbing the ore

"I have question though....if I wanted my sword to be designed a specific way do I send it via crow or do I ask either one of
you guys?"

"Send it via crow" one of the girls said.

Flashback Over.

That will sure kick his cute ass when we get back to Grandpa. In which did.

"Tanjiro you dummy, I told you to sleep and you didn't! Now you know the consequences of your actions right?!" I say as I scolded him.

I walk by his side as he's holding a stick to hold himself up from falling on the dirt.
I told him I could carry him but he got red and said he could walk by himself.

God he's way too motivated, it does give me a sense of pride.

"We're almost there....hold on bit longer Tanjiro" I say reassuring him.

As we head close to the cabin. I hear footsteps I do not recognize, this person is lighter and flows when they walk.

I also hear a leg rising.

The door falls to the ground causing me and Tanjiro to be cautious.
A girl walks out the door, seemly acting like she didn't just kick a door down.
"NEZUKO!!!!" Tanjiro calls out.
I see her head turn to the side and she runs to her brother. I held onto my sword as a protection from her.

Tanjiro runs to her but trips mid through. As he does this Nezuko's arms hang out and she hugs him.

I run quickly towards the two siblings, as they both hold eachother close. I smile sadly, remembering my little siblings. Haru would cling to me whenever I'd go to our small town back at home. Riki, would love the stories I've read to her. And Naru really loved to watch me cook. It's nice to see these two get along like that. Reminds me of them......

Tanjiro holds onto her tightly as if she would die the next day.
"Ne....zuko!! Why would you sleep for so long?! I thought you would never wake up!!" Tanjiro weeps.

I hear wood falling as I felt arms around me and gentle cries coming through.
"You two....came back....alive!!" Grandpa cries.

I hold onto him as I kneel to the ground to add in Tanjiro and Nezuko in the hug as well. It was a pretty sentimental moment between us.

Both fathers from my mom and dad's side have died before I was even born, I've never known what it was like to have a granddad interaction.

Sakonji Urokodaki helps me know what that feels like. And I have to say I feel very warm deep down my heart.

Small tears seep through my eyes as I try my damn hardest not to cry.

As the moment was over Grandpa invites us inside and gives us a big yummy meal, the reason for it? It's a celebration!

"Big meals like this are good for swordman.....makes them stronger on the bones." Urokodaki emphasizes.

I felt something laid against my lap causing me to flinch and looking down. Nezuko....who happily decided to lay on my lap no problem with a dumb cute smile on her face.

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