Ch.2: Read.Between.The.LINES.

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          William glanced at his watch briefly, checking the time. He was cooking breakfast and none of his kids had gotten up yet. It was 6:30. He needed to get everyone one up so they could get ready and eat by 7 sharp. Mike and Liz would need to catch their bus while he took C.C. and (Y/N) to daycare and high school respectfully. The high school bus stop was to far for you to walk and not be thrown off his crafted schedule and the daycare didn't do home pick ups. 

          William took the bacon off of the stove when it was finished and sped walk through the house and up the stairs. He knocked on Michaels door and quickly opened it. The eldest Afton child grumbled and rolled over on his bed.
     "Michael," William started sharply.
Michael cut him off.
     "I'm awake. The bacon woke me up" the teen muttered.
He lazily sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. William nodded and shut the door.

          He knocked lightly on Elizabeth's door and opened it. He walked to his daughters bed and gently shook her awake.
     "Elizabeth, darling, it's time to wake up." he said gently. 
Lizzie sat up slowly and yawned, stretching her arms.
     "Morning Daddy!" she said happily.
William would need to quickly come back in here after waking up C.C. and (Y/N) to help Elizabeth dress properly. She'd taken to dressing like a clown that robbed a party city if left to her own devices. And he needed to brush her hair while she ate breakfast. He long lock having gotten tangled in her sleep.

          William moved quickly out of the room, giving Elizabeth time to wake up. He went to his youngest sons room, not bothering to knock as the door was already ajar. He moved to the bed and gently shook C.C. awake. He learned a while back that talking to C.C. would startle him and result in tears for the next 15 minutes. 15 Minutes they didn't have of course. The schedule was special crafted to make sure everyone was always on time and organized. Evan rolled over slightly and looked at his father with bleary eyes. William gave him a warm smile before exiting the room.

          You're semi brought to consciousness by a knock at your door. You turn in your bed and moan tiredly. You wake a little more when your bed dips when another person sits next to you. You crack open your eyes and see a deep purple shirt. It was your Step-Father. You grumble and curl into your blankets.
     "Darling as much as I love our little routine can we skip the tired theatrics for today?"
His posh British accent almost soothing you back into sleep. His hand lands and rests on your shoulder.
     "I still need to get Elizabeth dressed and need you to help me with C.C. Dearest."
You sigh and sit up on your bed, looking at your father figure through tired eyes. 
     "Perfect, thank you Love." 
He leaned over and kissed your forehead lightly before getting up and exiting your room.

          You groaned, not wanting to quite get up yet but having to anyway. You had stayed in bed late a few times and it had thrown off the whole morning and put William in a terrible mood for the entire week. He didn't like having to rush and worry about being late. You slid out of bed and quickly got dressed before briefly styling your hair in your full length mirror on your door.

          With a flourish you made your way out of your room and into C.C.'s. The toddler was sitting on his bed, waiting. You smiled at him and picked him up, setting him on your waist.
     "Mornin' bud." you greet cheerfully.
C.C. gives a small smile. He's quite for a kid his age. Most 4 year old's you've met have been loud as shit. It was a nice, if odd, change of pace. You helped him into a light blue t-shirt with a green T-Rex on it and some black shorts to pair with the nice spring weather.

          The second you hand him his Golden Fredbear plush he bolts it out of his room and slowly and loudly goes down the stairs; thumping as he jumps down the steps one at a time. You chuckled and walked out of C.C.'s room and made eye contact with Micharl as he was leaving his. He glares at you and quickly heads downstairs.

          You remember being 13, your mother had married William and moved you both in with him. You didn't like it then, having hated William. He was a complete stranger that you were forced to live with. You didn't warm up to him till you were abandoned with him and he kept being kind to you.

          You shook yourself out of your thoughts and headed downstairs. The table was set for everyone. Michael and C.C. were eating their eggs bacon and pancakes, Elizabeth was doing the same but William was behind her chair and brushing out her tangles. You sat at your seat next to Elizabeth and started eating. William put Lizzie's hair into two pigtails and sat at his seat at the head of the table. He checked his watch.
     "We have 15 minutes to eat." He announced.

          He picked up his fork and started eating. You finished first and picked up your plate to put it in the sink before getting your shoes on.
     "Make sure you have everything in your backpack!"
William called to you. You checked your bag, just in case. Books, binder, pencil case, a few snacks thrown in randomly last night. Everything you need for school. You finished putting your shoes on and waited on the bench by the door.

          Michael, Elizabeth, and C.C. all ran to the doorway for their shoes at the same time. You heard William in the kitchen rinsing off the dishes and setting them in the dishwasher. When everyone was ready William joined you in the entryway and put on his black dress shoes.
     "Is everyone ready to go?" He asked.
Everyone nodded their heads.
     "Good. Out the door, let's go."
He gestures for everyone to go.

          Michael opened the door and everyone trailed out behind him. Mike and Liz started walking up the drive way to the bus stop. The Afton house was in a little cove in the woods. The school bus for Elementary and middle school would stop at the end of the driveway. You slipped into the passenger seat of the car while William helped C.C. get buckled into his car seat. William hopped into the driver's seat quickly and checked his watch again.

          "On time. Perfect." He smiled.
     "7 sharp?" You ask with your own smile.
     "Yes. I can get to work on time."
William backed up and turned around, driving up the driveway and passing Mike and Liz. C.C. waves to his siblings happily as you drove past.

           William stopped at the daycare, parking the car.
    "Stay in the car. I'll take C.C. in and be right out." William told you.
You nodded your head in understanding. William got out of the car and grabbed Evan. He was back in 5 minutes. 
     "Your school is 15 minutes away, I should be at work buy 7:45." William said to himself.
He started driving. You were both very quiet.
     "Thank you for your help this morning." William suddenly said.
It made you jump in your seat slightly.
     "It helps things run smoother."
You shrug your shoulders, "It's the least I can do, really."

          William nodded his head.
     "Yes. But you have nothing to prove to this family." he told you.
     "That's not-"
William interjected.
     "Yes it is, I know that tone of yours. I know what Michael says. I've heard him. He's wrong and I will put a stop to his bullshit."
You stayed quiet. You did feel obligated to help; hoping William would continue to keep you around. William glances at you for a second. He sighs and places a hand on your mid thigh. He squeezed it gently.
     "You belong in this family. Remember that."

          You nodded your head and William gave you a small smile. He squeezed your thigh one last time before removing his hand. You smiled back at him and you both sat in comfortable silence the rest of the drive. When you got to your school William parked the car quickly and smiled at you.
     "Have a good day Darling."
He cupped the back of your head and pulled it towards him, kissing your forehead. He smiled brightly at him and got out of the car.
     "Bye Father, I'll see you after work." 
You shut the car door and walked into school.

          William sighed and pulled out of the school parking lot. He drove as quickly as legally possible to FredBear's and parked his purple car. He looked at His watch; perfectly on time. He took a deep breath, and his mind wandered. 

          He let his head fell forward onto the top of his steering wheel. 

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