Chapter 1

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Author's Note~

Story takes place first year of college, it's tangent to the main story of Mine, spoilers be warned.

All events and relationships are subject to change inside the main story.

Don't get too comfy.

Enjoy! 🌸


"Boo-!" Mina jumped from around the corner. You lazily turned, popping another mini marshmallow into your mouth. "-ah come on-!" Mina groaned, walking fully into the kitchen. "-how didn't that scare you!?"

"So close." You muffled out.

"Why are you eating marshmallows at four in the morning?" Mina placed a hand on her hip. You shrugged.

"When else am I gonna do it?"

"Are you just sneaking sugar while Bakugo is asleep?" Mina hummed, peeking over your shoulder at your laptop.

"Nope." You turned, clicking to turn on the dark monitor.

"Are you sure you don't wanna tell him?"

"You know the point of a surprise party is for it to be a surprise, right?"

"Why does it have to be a surprise?" Mina groaned, holding this secret for the past week had been killing her!

"Because the best kind of party is a surprise one." You replied with a wave of your hand.

"And who told you that?" Mina plopped down on the free stool.

"Experts." You picked up a magazine off the pile of random stack of discarded papers and books beside your computer.

"You got this advice from a magazine?" Mina raised an eyebrow, taking the booklet as you walked to the fridge for a soda.

"Isn't that where you get all your advice?" You retort, closing the fridge.

"Ha-ha." Mina sourly huffed, "I don't know how much longer we can keep this from him."

"What do you mean?"

"He has been dropping some major hints that his birthday is in a day, and us all acting like we don't notice has been bugging him."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, considering the fact he threw Mineta out a second story window because he asked what was for dinner is a pretty good start."

"I still don't see the problem." You shrug.


"Look-" You sighed, placing your drink down. "-Katsuki did a lot for me on my birthday, and I just want to repay the favor."

"I get that, but..." Mina exhaled,

"He is going to be so happy when he walks into the gym when and sees all his friends and idols."

"Bakugo and the word happy feel weird when you place them in the same sentence."

You opened your mouth to reply, but just then, the sleepy blond stormed into the kitchen. Mina quickly grabbed the stack of magazines and papers, pulling them into her lap as you closed your computer.

"(y/n)-!" Katsuki growled, sleep coating his eyes. "-what the hell are you doing!?"

"Nothing." You shake your head, picking up the bottle to take a drink, Katsuki snatched it from your hand.

"You're not allowed to have sugar this late!"

"Ok mom." You rolled your eyes.

"And you're allowing this?" Katsuki glared at Mina, who cleared her throat, looking away as she scratched her eyebrow.

"Why are you up?" You ask.

"To come find your ass!" Katsuki snapped, "I woke up, and you weren't there!"

"I am in the kitchen." You gestured.

"No shit!" Katsuki growled, muscles tense he grabbed your wrist, pulling you in his direction. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

"Where do you fucking think!?" Katsuki stomped his way back to his bedroom with you in tow, leaving Mina alone in the kitchen, who let out a deep breath, leaning back the moment footsteps couldn't be heard.

"He's going to burn the dorms down." Mina shook her head, stealing a marshmallow before making her way back to her room as well.


Morning slammed into you before you could prepare, groaning you rolled over, prying an eye open you got a full view of Katsuki's shirtless back. Snuggling into the pillow you watched how the muscles of his back flexed as he moved around the room.

"If you hadn't gotten up in the middle of the night you wouldn't be so tired now." Katsuki's deep voice caused a shiver to slither down your spine.

"I wasn't awake long."

"You can't do that." Katsuki breathed, pulling on a shirt he turned.

"Do what?"

"I can't wake up and you just be gone." Katsuki's gaze was stone cold, causing you to sit up.

"I was in the kitchen."

"I didn't fucking know that!" Katsuki snarled, "Do you have any idea what went through my head when I tried to find you and couldn't!?"


"The thought of someone snatching you out of my bed while I was next to you-!?" Katsuki cut himself off.

"Katsuki I wasn't-"

"Tch." Katsuki out his back to you, picking up his gym bag. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" You repeat.

"Yes!" Katsuki hisses, you bite back the smirk, you licked your lips before replying.

"Mina and I are going to that opening remember?"

"Opening?" Katsuki furrowed his brows but didn't turn around. "What opening?"

"That new taste film place, we have been on the wait list for months."

"Taste film?"

"It's an interactive place where you eat what you see on screen, I think they are showing Willy Wonka or something." You shrug.

"That it?"

"Yeah-" You hummed, plopping back down against his pillow. "-what else would there be?"

"Nothing." Katsuki grumped, zipping his gym back.

"You ok?" You innocently question.

"I'm fine." Katsuki didn't turn to look at you as he stormed from the room, you smiled as the door slammed shut. You reached over grabbing your phone to check on the catering you booked for tomorrow evening.

You were so excited to surprise him, he suspected nothing!

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