Chapter 5

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The sleepless town, also known as Kabukicho, is best known for its host clubs, shops, love hotels, bars but what most people seek is its red-light district: Shinjuku ward, PG during the day but once the moon rises, get your kids out.

"Wow-!" Shiro brightly grins, spinning around. "It hasn't changed at all!"

"Focus." You glare as Shiro happily hops around gleefully. "This isn't a day trip."

"We can make it into one." Shiro turned, meeting your stone gaze. "Fine!" Shiro throws his head back, "You know all work and no play makes you a dull—I'll shut the fuck up now." Shiro clears his throat feeling the rage seeping off you. "Where we going?"

"Where else?" You retort, glancing over to him. "Our favorite dealer."

"Yes!" Shiro sings, "I am out of so many things-"

"Not a shopping trip either." Your annoyed tones causes Shiro to groan, this wasn't as fun as he thought it would be.

You and Shiro make your way through the streets until you come up to a worn-down mechanic's garage.

"Everyone's probably passed out from the night by now." Shiro peeks at the time on his wrist.

"Good." You replied, stepping up to the door you kicked it open.

"Come on-!" Shiro throws his hands up. "-I wanted to do that; you always get to!"

You step through crumbled wood looking around the empty space, instantly old oil and cigarette smoke fill your nose, causing you to crinkle your face.

"Ah!" Shiro took a deep breath. "Doesn't that just bring back memories!"

"Only ones I want to burn out of my brain." You mutter, moving from the main floor into the small office, with sharp eyes you scanned the tiny room, but found it empty.

"Maybe there was a party somewhere?" Shiro whispered stepping beside you, "And everyone is passed out over there?"

"When have we ever been that lucky?"

"It could happen."

"Why would it start now?" You wonder, walking behind the counter.

"All I am saying is it could." Shiro replied, "I mean look at you now, you have friends, two dudes fighting to be your father figure-" Shiro helped you throw the carpet back and open the secret door hidden in the floor. "-a popular blond hero who is obsessed with you-"

"Can you shut up?" You wondered, "For like two seconds?"

"Probably not." Shiro shrugged.

"Ugh." You sighed; each wooden step creaked as you two made your way into the basement, where you two walked until you stepped into the underground warehouse where hundreds of stolen goods were being stored until sold on the black market.

"Damn!" Shiro did a spin taking it all in. "It's gotten bigger than when we were last here."

"How haven't the heroes found this place yet?" You knitted your brows, "We gave them this location months ago."

"Mm... because most of them are stupid?"

You shot Shiro a glare.

"You know I'm right—hey-!" Shiro waved, your eyes locked onto the short fat little man in a tight suit, his hair clinging to his head for dear life. "-Kuro!"

The round man quickly dropped the clipboard he had been holding, his stick legs barely got to him to door in the corner when Shiro's steel arm slammed into the side of the wood, inches from the smugglers face, who was quickly losing color in it.

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