Chapter 6

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"We've never been here during the day before." Shiro mutters as the two of you stand off to the side, observing the busy crowd rushing to their destinations.

"Nope." You agreed, arms crossed.

"Kinda boring...."

"We don't have time for you to go to a dirty ass love hotel." You commented, looking at Shiro who huffed.

"No pretty girls around anyway." Shiro grumbles, "And they're not all dirty!"

"Oh, just girls?" You smirk.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to find?" Shiro bit.

"Don't you have a school yard to harass?" You bite back.

"We are never gonna find any of Kitsune's people in this kind of crowd." Shiro gestured to the bystanders.

"We don't really have a choice." You muttered, knowing Shiro was right.

Kitsune was one of the people you had to give up to the police, he got away before the police broke in, but it meant his operation had been moved, and you had no idea where, Kuro was useless in giving this detail, you had to ask around and deal with a few sewer rats before finally getting a lead.

"We are going off of old tips that might not even be true." Shiro crammed his hands into his pockets. "I hate to say it, but we might have to wait until night-"

"Then don't say it." You glared; your tone dripped with your annoyance, Shiro just sighed, leaning back against the wall you two were currently occupying.

After what felt like hours of watching hundreds of faceless people go by, you glanced over to Shiro only to do a double take. You pinched your expression, confused by Shiro's puffed out face.

"Do you have to take a shit or something-?"

"No-!" Shiro snapped, "-I'm trying to remember Kitsune and why I feel like I know him."

"You do?"

"We never dealt with him personally."

"Yeah, we did."

"No way!"

"Yeah-" You chuckled; "-Four blew up his first meth lab."

"Why don't I remember that!?"

"You did get a concussion from that mission...maybe that's why."

"Hm..." Shiro hummed, returning to scanning the crowd. "...I remember a few of his right-hand men, but I can't quite place a face to that name...ugh-!" Shiro gripped his head. "-it's driving me insane!"

You smirked, lazily looking away only to freeze, spotting the thick haired man with sunglasses. You smacked Shiro, never removing your eyes off your new target.


"Ow!" Shiro complained, knowing it didn't hurt, his gaze followed yours. "Isn't that um..." Shiro snapped his fingers, "...that weird one, with the hard on for being a tough guy, what is his name!?"

"Fumio." You kicked yourself off the wall, swiftly weaving through the crowd to stay on his trail.

"Yeah-!" Shiro grins as it clicks into his head. "-why don't we just jump into the Deep really quick and follow-"

"Because he could be going somewhere I can't track him, it's broad daylight, do you see a lot of shadows?"

"Yeah, that's true." Shiro sighed, "Alright, let's do this the hard way."

You and Shiro tailed the villain known as Fumio, one of the growing drug lords' right-hand men, you furrowed your brow's, realizing Fumio was picking up his pace as he weaved through the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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