A Glimpse

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Hello my fellow fandom followers! I have written this story with my own twist and head cannons. This does not follow any plot-line or multiverse related to J'onn and I do not claim to own this character or any artwork associated! I hope you enjoy what my head has come up with! If you like this or want to see something happen, please comment!

    A pit that crescendos into darkness is how I'd describe my life. At every turn a new and horrible change is brought, which causes the upheaval of everything I ever knew. The last I remember is sitting at home with the windows open with a cool breeze fluttering through the quaint silk curtains. Memories dance in my thoughts as I try to hold myself together, which is so rudely interrupted by a ringing doorbell.

—Time Skip

    "...and so Ms. Y/N, with our deepest regret, we inform you that this house is now out for repossession and you will have exactly 30 days to remove your items and find a new living situation." A woman with thin gold glasses, waved grey hair, and a sneer peers down at me. She raises a single thin eyebrow as if awaiting my response impatiently.

    With tears welling in my eyes, and soul, I simply nod my head in understanding as I quietly shuffle back into the dark looming space behind. A soft click of the large dark purple door quickly sounds, indicating that the womans presence is no longer needed. This house was my childhood home and has that special wear and tear only a childhood can bring to its walls. I trace a finger along the banister of the stairway which holds small scratches and blemishes along its wooden surface.

    With a sigh, I traverse the steps all too familiarly with the deep sense of silence and loss around me. A memory comes to mind when passing a longer scratch in the railing.


    "Wait!! I'm not sure this is a good idea.." shouts a small boy who appears to be no older than five. He appears with short brown hair and is wearing a matching spongebob pajama set. I remember the way he looks down at the stairs while sitting in a cardboard box and then looks back at me with fear in his eyes.

    laughing, you reassure him that this would be perfectly safe. "Come on Chance! There's no way I'd let you get hurt! It'll be so fun!" You gleam back with amusement and a somewhat higher tone than you recognize your voice as now. Without a second though you slowly push the box to tilt down the stairs when- SSKSKKSKSKHHHH-DOPH!- he tumbles down the entire flight and fails to catch himself with the railing.

— Memory End

    A deep sigh is released as the memory fades from my minds eye and I continue into my bedroom. Stickers of butterflies, dragonflies, and other animals dot the light pink walls. The bed rests directly across from the door, and appears disheveled. The small dresser on the right wall holds many objects such as a hair brush, perfume, jewelry, and framed photos.

    I pick up one of the frames and let a tear slip by as my chest compresses and the air feels thicker with dark thoughts. I turn ti my bed and decide feeling this way is no way to live.

    Splaying out and looking to the ceiling on my mattress, my eyes are no longer able to hold the tears threatening to spill out more. As I cry silently I am reminded that there is no one here who would hold me close and assure that everything will be ok.

    Sobs wreck through me as the pain that is losing your family continues; it's never ending torture. I ask myself, "Why not take me too? What have I done to deserve this painful existence?" You curl into yourself and begin drifting into sleep as you've used every ounce of reserved energy to cry.


    A strange cool and wet sensation is felt when you move your hands, attempting to find your blanket. When unable to find it, you sit up abruptly in frustration. As you open your eyes, you see an impossibly dark room with no seeming light source. You are able to make out what looks like waves rippling across the flat surface in which you were sitting. You glare into the darkness as you begin to feel angry.

    You recognize this space, it is the same place you have been dreaming of ever since the violent attack happened. You grasp fists full of water and begin throwing it, screaming, yelling, pleading, to make it end and never return. Hours of endless wandering the pools of cold water is not something you wish to dream of. It is impossible to escape it.

    After your outburst you stand and begin to walk aimlessly, splashing into the depths of what must await beyond death. As always, the screams start low, and amp up to full acoustic horror as they are the voices belonging to your loved ones. Images of fists landing blows to your baby brother, nails slicing open the tender flesh of your face and body, as well as the silver gleam of the murder weapon flashes in front of your eyes.

    "No!!! Please! I can't take it anymore!" Shrieking into the hollow space, you kneel and begin sobbing. You begin to be hammered with every possible traumatic event that has occurred over your 23 years on this planet.

    Piercing the darkness, a bright red pair of glowing eyes twinkle into the farthest corners of the space. With a tear stained face, you raise your eyes to meet the new found persons, and stumble to your feet. This is new... something is finally different! At first you start to hobble and stumble, but quickly advance to a panicked run.

    "Who are you?!" You huff and continue to give chase. As you run the eyes never seem to change distance or shape. You begin to slow your advance toward the eyes, "Help me! I can't seem to ever leave this place!" You huff into the darkness.

    "Rest easy now." A soft and smooth voice reverberates against the wave rooms walls. You dart your eyes around looking for the voice and quickly realize it is likely coming from the direction of the red glow. As quickly as you look away, you look back to only find the same ripples reflecting some unknown light.

    Soon your vision begins to darken further, the sounds of waves and ripples lessen, and your eyes droop closed. A final thought manage to slip by, "Thank you, Mystery man, please come back to save me again.."

—- Dream over

    The sense of cool and wet dissipates as you begin to hear the whirr of your air conditioning focus in. You blink your eyes open to be met with a dark room. "What the heck just saved me from that nightmare?" You wonder aloud. The glowing eyes had never appeared in any of your dreams for the last few months. As unnerving as they were at first, they felt welcoming just before they had disappeared. It almost seemed like there was a figure attached to them, who could that be?

Thank you for reading! Again, please leave a comment if you want to see something happen or if you just liked this! It would mean a great deal to me!! See you all next time <3

J'onn J'onzz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now