A Beggining Struggle

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    Looking out my bedroom window the setting sun seems to hold less warmth than it usually does. The thoughts of J'onn getting hurt in battle makes the feeling of unease settle over my body and mind.

    'I don't know what I would do if he was hurt in battle. There are so many ways things could go wrong.' Echos in my mind. I sit up and head towards the living room. 'Maybe I can see whats going on with the local news.' I think while preparing myself for... well you aren't really sure. The TV remote feels cool in my hand as I press the power button.

    ..."is there hope to take down this villain? Back at the metro-station, Grodd has been spotted with what appears to be a disintegrating ray." The beautiful news reporter says matter of factly. As she finished talking the camera pans onto an area of the city just a few blocks away from your office.

    Images of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern flash across the screen landing blows to the giant ape man while avoiding super heated blasts from the weapon. I watch as his henchman Giganta, Killer Frost, Shade, Parasite, and Sinestro all seem to be working together to annihilate the superhero threats for whatever dark plot they have hatched.

    Giganta has grown taller than a sky scraper and is seen smashing Superman through buildings while Green Lantern is busy with Sinestro. Both of these men attempt to out-do one another with their ring powers. Batman flings across the screen and is captured by Shade's black smoke. Wonder Woman could be seen being overwhelmed by both Parasite and Killer Frost.

    As the fight amps up, you can see J'onn make his way into battle. You first see his cape whipping in the wind as he dives directly towards Grodd. He grabs the weapon in Grodd's hand attempting to wrench it free. He is then pushed back an abundant distance before he rushes in again. The straining of the muscles in his arms can be clearly seen due to his build and more open costume design.

    Soon, Superman makes re-entry past Giganta, merely being missed by a smack of her hand, and attempts to help Wonder Woman. Giganta turns her attention to Green Lantern and punches him into the pavement below. Eventually, Sinestro and Giganta make their way towards Shade, Killer Frost, and Parasite. Batman suddenly jumps free of the blinding smoke.

    With a bit of ingenuity, a bolt of electrified cable wiring attached to a long piece of metal hurtles towards Sinestro. A simple yellow force field forced the object to reflect back and smacks directly into Batman. You watch as the Black Knight collapses onto the half destroyed pavement.

    J'onn can be seen having a telepathic battle against Grodd as they both have their grips locked onto the disintegrating weapon. You can see as sweat begins to form on J'onns and then Grodd's foreheads. As time tick's on you can't but help worry if he can overpower Grodd with his mind.

    Wonder Woman is now one on one against Killer Frost while Superman starts punching with an obscene amount of force on Parasite. As Wonder Woman is avoiding getting blasted and frozen as a statue, theres a child who was in the way. She pushes the kid aside just before the beam hits him, and she is then frozen still.

    Superman can be seen to the right, landing blow upon blow until Parasite is able to grasp him on either side of his head and produces the brightest electrical strike you have ever seen against him. Superman struggles against his opponent, but is unable to escape the electrified current and falls unconscious with steam rising off his body. Eventually, one by one, the league members are seemingly outmatched.

    The only standing members of the league you can see are J'onn and Green Lantern, who somehow has outsmarted Sinestro. It seems things are taking a turn for the worse. Panic fills your veins and your adrenaline starts pumping, 'Oh my god... J'onn!' You think about him and what might happen. As you do this, you can feel his thoughts like a wave underwater.

    He seems to be pushing your thoughts back to you. Feeling utterly useless, I cannot help the panic attack that comes on, sending me into a spiral. The thought of possibly loosing J'onn, even if I barely know him, crashes into me like a tsunami. Circling between my thoughts, a sudden shadow seems to stand over me in my mind.

    Several minutes pass before I am no longer are able to take what my head has to throw at me. The slowly building pain was too on edge for me to process what is occurring on the television in front of me. I'm able to grasp some final images of of Superman's cape and a black batarang.

    My thoughts are briefly interrupted, as you don't really hear the first few calls of your name. With an intense wave of fiery pain along your torso, legs, and head. '...Prepare human, for this is just the beginning...' a monotone and raspy voice reverberates, causing your head to pound like a jackhammer.

    I grasp my head with both hands and crumple onto the carpet beneath me, gasping as if you haven't been breathing over the last several minutes. Unable to look at the screen, I can barely hear the news reporter announce the fight was concluded with Grodd and most of his henchman having escaped, and on the run, just before loosing my grasp on reality and fall unconscious.

—-Time Skip

    I feel heavy and limp laying across the floor of my living room. The feeling of being lifted slightly and a strange scratchy cloth envelops you. A cold hand grabs my legs and a rope could be felt wrapping around my ankles. I try sitting up and opening my eyes only to be met with resistance. A muffled, "Wwhatt ve hech?" Manages past the mouth gag before I realize I am getting kidnapped.

    The pounding of my head comes back full force as I start struggling against whatever is keeping me from moving. A cold chuckle soon turns into a full force laugh that shakes the walls of my home. "Foolish girl, you can't escape what we have in plan for you!" The female voice then kicks you in the side leaving a new sharp pain to focus on over your headache.

    As soon as I stop struggling as much against the restraints, the woman drags me out the front door, down the porch, and roughly shoved me upward. The sound of her struggling to pull me up and against the vehicle almost makes me want to chuckle. She finally gets me fully in and slams the doors behind.

    I start thinking, 'What in the world is going on? Who is that lady, and who does she mean by we? She sounds crazy!' You are tossed and smashed into the walls of the van as she makes hard turns and bounces through the country side.

    After smacking my, already aching, head against the vans wall for the 100th time, I continue trying to focus on calling out for J'onn. It feels so much harder, almost murky, in comparison to earlier. 'Why is this so hard?' I frustratingly question.

    Adjusting yourself in the van, you can feel it slowing down along with a crunch of gravel under the wheels. 'Come on J'onn, why can't I sense you? I'm in a real need of help right now...' I barely whisper in my mind.

    More crunching of gravel can be heard before the doors are ripped open. "See! I told you I was capable!" gleams the woman. Another voice is heard, and is a little bit more mechanical feeling. "This will definitely get us what we need. Get her inside. The boss is waiting." He cooly states. Quickly, a feeling of floating overwhelms me as I am taken into god knows where.

There you go everyone! Warm and straight out of the brain! I hope you all enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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