Meeting in the Mist

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Welcome back for Chapter 3! This is a long one, and might I say the most exciting I have written so far! Enjoy meeting the hot green martian man of your dreams~maybe even literally? Lol!

    After settling into your home you begin a new routine. Every morning you go for a walk to enjoy the cool air. You figure to help reduce depression the outdoors is best suited. The dew dripping off long blades of grass, the calls of the mourning dove, and the cool breeze welcomes you.

    Walking through a path in the woods you focus onto the dream that has been re-ocurring night after night. Each time has been the same since the eyes have appeared. You would start in a panic, after the voices cloud your every thought, then you beg for help, and finally, the glowing eyes appeared. Sometimes a voice will say soothing words, and sometimes the eyes seem to only reflect empathy before disappearing and your nightmare ends.

    You drum your hands along your thighs as you ponder who it is that is rescuing you from those terrible nightmares. Suddenly, a voice seems to whisper in your mind, "Do not walk into the darkness..."

    Whipping your head around, you search for the person who you just heard, and see no one. There are just the same chirps from birds and the sounds of dripping morning dew to be found amongst the tall tree canopy and shrubbery below. "Good god, what have I gotten into?" You say under your breath. Maybe you've gone insane since being alone.

    Deciding maybe you have had enough for the morning you go about your typical day with the utmost difficulty. Work goes by as normal, the same chaos that is selling superhero insurance to homeowners has become a large business; as there happens to be catastrophes happening world wide on almost a daily basis.

    After arriving home, and fixing dinner, you lay in your bed. Pulling the comforter closer you think about what you heard while in the woods that morning. "Well, what could go wrong?" Your thoughts echo as you drift into sleep.


    As usual, the echoing cavern of the rippling water comes into focus. You sit up slowly and remain focused on what the voice could have meant. You notice to your left there seems to be a strange fog rolling in.

    You stand, expecting the mist to cover you, and freeze when it stops just before reaching your feet. From inside you can see the same red glow coming from about 7 feet off the ground. Soon the glow is standing before you and a large shape shadows through the strange fog. "Hello...?" You barely manage to whisper.

    The shape moves closer and you back away allowing room between the fog and yourself. A large shiny blue boot juts out and is attached to a green leg. Soon the full form of whatever holds the glowing red eyes stands before you.

He stands tall, so tall you have to angle you neck almost uncomfortably to look into his eyes. The red crossing straps of his giant blue cape seem to match his glowing eyes. You see yourself in the reflection of the gold clasps on either side of his broad and muscular chest.

By god- this is The Martian Manhunter! Soon, the near stone like face begins to move their lips. "Greetings, young one, I am sure you have many questions."

    Your mouth is hanging open as you process what is happening. 'How the hell- no way- he can't just' your mind is moving a million miles a second.You stutter out,  "Uhh, are you really Martian Manhunter? Aren't I dreaming right now?" You blink and rub your eyes as if that will change what is being seen.

    The stone faced man chuckles some before answering, "Yes, but I prefer to go by J'onn. This is both a dream and a reality. I have heard your pleas across the night realms." He waves his hand across the space which causes his large matching cape flutters some.

    Taking a deep breath and centering yourself you focus in your thoughts, "Ok, uh, sir J'onn, how could you hear my pleas? What is the night realms? What's going on?" you ask, rattling off questions left and right.

    He shifts his weight to his other leg as he explains the situation, "You have been traveling to another place in your sleep, the one we stand in now, and is universally called the night realms. This place is for those who have been tortured by their own thoughts and are unable to dissect their troubles. I am a being who is able to read minds through telepathy, and am capable of hearing into the night realms. Your pleas specifically were very loud and drew me in. I have been with you, and guiding your mind quietly away from here so you may rest more peacefully."

    You stare into his glowing eyes, confusion sprawling across your face. "So my nightmares will continue until I have dealt with whatever it is that haunts me?" If that's the case, then what the hell could this superhero do to pull me away from this place?

    He nods his head, "That is correct, and is why I am here. I had hopes you would be able to manage this over the last few weeks, but it seems to only get worse each passing night. I am concerned." His eyes shift to a lighter shade of red, indicating his sense of compassion.

    You look down to your feet, avoiding the gaze of J'onn. 'What am I to do? Depression has its grip on me. And there's no way he could help me, I really just need a therapist.' your thoughts echo in your mind.

    "I am not a therapist, no, but I would like to help you in any way I can. Please allow me to assist?" He steps closer and places a large, green, and warm hand onto your shoulder.

    Eyes open wide and mouth slack once again, 'Did he just read my mind?!' you gasp into your head. The large green martian seems to crack a small smile on his stoic face.

    "Humans are quite loud in their own mind. It seems difficult for them to quiet their thoughts and stop projecting them outwards." He offers as an explanation.

    'Ohhh boy, he's probably able to hear what I'm thinking right now! This man has no clue how far my depression goes,' you whisper in your mind. Some nights the thought of no longer taking your next breath or seeing the next day feels like the only way to stop the pain of living on without your family.

    A delicate finger is placed under your chin and moves your head to look up, "This can be dangerous to you, I sense a darkness I have felt before. I fear it may swallow you whole." he strongly states.

    His presence seems so welcoming, sure, and confident. He already makes you want to lean closer and be enveloped by his muscular green arms. With this thought, he does just this. His warmth radiates and makes you forget about the cold water around your feet, and you lean into the first hug you've wished for over the last few months.

    After several more moments you push back out of the hug and slowly nod your head. "If you think you can make a difference, maybe it is worth the try... No one knows about where I stand in life, or at least not the way you seem to be aware of." You look away from him, feeling guilty about needing help to deal with your depression from a superhero.

    "Do not feel it is wrong to accept help from anyone, how you feel is of importance as well." He states. The fog starts to dissipate some and he glances behind himself. "You are waking soon." He looks back to you.

    "How will we do this? Are we to meet here every night until I can't come back or what shall we do?" You quickly shoot. Panic in your eyes becomes apparent.

    A few seconds pass before he answers, "I am capable of talking with you in your mind, all you need is to call for me in your thoughts and I shall answer." The fog grows thinner and J'onn's form becomes more transparent.

    Nodding your head in agreement you watch as he quickly dissipates fully and soon your senses begin to zone in on the beautiful chirping of birds and warm sunlight.

—-Dream End

As always, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for reading. I truly feel blessed that even just one person has read this far! I hope you truly enjoyed this chapter! <3

J'onn J'onzz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now