Strength/Attack Potency

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Starting off small with feats from the superheroes of Benny Sharp's universe who are all described as having superhuman strength and speed and all that but how strong are they, well not many of them show off any sort of feats one hero does have one which is Wardar the superhero version of the Warden from Minecraft (yeah the guy who does the series also does stuff like turning popculture characters into superheroes, mech armours, kaijus, dragons, demons etc, anyway during Minecraft mobs as superheroes the sequel Wardar would grab and throw a super villain piglin called Brutalhog into a wall with excessive force. Now while Brutalhog's weight is never said I can just estimate it based off of his background, you see Brutalhog is a genetically modified enforcer for the Nether Cult made to protect them from heroes as such its likely that his physique would be similar to that of a very well built human so it'd be natural to say his weight is around 270 lbs though given his genetic modifications this could be rounded up to 300 lbs but either way he's got bulk, now for the speed in which he was thrown which is simple enough as given Wardar is superhuman he should be able to reach the quickest throwing speeds preformed which is nearly 105 mph. Now with that all said by placing these numbers into a kinetic energy calculator would get a result of nearly 150,000 joules of energy making him wall level. Furthermore given they are specifically stated 

Following on from that we have a simple lifting strength feats preformed by Alexis Jones, Benny Sharp and Cosmara Noroi. Firstly we have Alexis who is able to create large stone fists that she is able to use to punch people in the face with which considering they are around the length of her arm they should weigh 1.36 tons and for kinetic energy if she threw her punches at a low end of 15 mph (average human) they would hit with 31,000 joules but due to her having superhuman speed her attack speed should be equal to or exceed the fastest recorded punch which is 45 mph which would equal a kinetic energy of 275,200 joules with both of these being wall level, following on with that we have Benny lifting Macey the ankylosaurus who despite being an ankylosaurus is only 3 feet tall and 8 feet long so not as big and should weigh only 1.5 tons if we go over the actual animal and finally there's Mara who stated herself that early on when she got her powers she could lift a car which typically weigh around 2 tons so overall each one of these characters are capable of lifting more than a ton and trust me this is far from the last feat Alexis or Mara will perform. Next we have a feat for MT dragon attack potency which is done by the character Astra in her dragon form but should scale to other dragons where she smashed a hole through the top of a roof which I've calc-ed to be worth between 34 to 75 kilograms of TNT which would equal small building level energy, of course this isn't the only feats dragons have as another dragon called the Monolithic Shin God (the dragon version of Shin Godzilla) was able to fire a beam of energy capable of wiping out towns and carve through mountains so some dragons may have a higher power level though I'll have to look more into it or maybe one of you can.

Now we're getting into bigger feats starting with the character Unghu from Astra and the Secret Knights who lifted a 5 foot bronze horn with one hand "as if it was a feather" which considering the fact that bronze has a weight of 532.2 lbs per cubic foot means this horn should weigh 66,530 lbs or 30.2 tons which Unghu was able to lift with one hand with no difficulty meaning his top lifting strength should be double and potentially triple that. There is also statements made in the documents the creator of MT does before each community redraw with this one about the Sci-5 I've simplified already.

 There is also statements made in the documents the creator of MT does before each community redraw with this one about the Sci-5 I've simplified already

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