Sunsets Are Amazing (3rd person POV)

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(A/N: I might only use 3rd person idk anyway enjoy this please I made this in the morning (help))

It was late at night, Bobble Hat still was feeling bad about leaving early 

"Y-Y'know what? I'm going for a walk I think that'll help..." She said

She head out, going to a mountain on her bike enjoying the fresh air.


Mask wasn't focusing as he watched her leave and got splatted

"Idiot!" he screamed in his usual raspy voice.

'I'll juust goo get some freesh aair...' he thought as he started walking towards Mt. Natai (Right? This was spelled correctly?) He sat on the ledge and took off his gas mask

"Uugh... haay feveer..." he groaned as he watches the forest around it, there were no trees close so he was fine now. 


That was the moment, they saw each other, Mask turned crimson as no one has ever seen his face before. "W-Well bye!" Bobble Hat said as she tries to walk away, but felt a hand grab onto hers. "W-What are you doing?" She managed to squeak out. "I need tooo knooow soomethiing..." he sighs and looks directly at her face, "Why are you so scared of me?" Her heart was beating like crazy as the sun goes down, he keeps his grip on her hand. "I'm not letting go until you answer..." Somehow this time, he didn't slur his vowels... it was serious. "I-I... Well..." the sun shined behind his head and it was a beautiful sight... "Please." He said. "I need to know this."

It's not love! (Mask x Bobble Hat)Where stories live. Discover now