Sneak peek for next chapter

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(A/N: Im lazy so sneak peek, everything might not be exactly the same so let's say teaser actually..)

"I... I-..." Mask stuttered. Luna's eyes twinkled. "Go on."  

Desi and Luna hugged Mask before Jersey shortly joined in.

"...I love you." Mask said with no hesitation this time. Luna's eyes Twinkled in the dimly lit room

Desi made a cat like "purr" 

Desi stands in front of ____ in a protecting stance (?) "Get away from my ____!"

Goggles faces Mask and smiles deviously "You really think she would love you? Hah! You're even more insane than I thought!" Mask scowls in response. "Shut. The. Fish. Up."

Specs and Headphones watch anxiously from behind a corner. As Specs looks at his (could be) lover looking a quite scared, he knows what he has to do. 

Skull soon sees Headphones and tries to help calm her, so does Half-Rim.

Mask gets back home... he cuts himself again "Luna... I need you again..." he puts down the phone. It's time for him to strike.

(A/N: What did Y'all think? Cool right? Tell me another wattpad user who does sneak peaks, I'll wait. (:< anyway this is refreshing, me birthday's in 5 days)

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