Chap 1

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The  streets of obelia are filled with people.. The colourful flags hanged on the walls. With the emblem of royal family on them... Tiny flags tied so high on the walls dangling with the air..sound of  children laughing and playing..people rushing  and crowding in the sideways..

They  all become excited and shouted cheerfully once  they spotted the knights rally...

They are coming back from the  battlefield  after their third consecutive victory...

"all Hail to our  princess Athanasia.. Long live our  princess.."

Everyone shouted cheerfully once they spotted the most beautiful girl riding a horse majestically in the centre..

Athanasia de Alger obelia.. Princess of obelia..  captain of the Royal knights at such a young age..

Yeah she is only twenty  still.. She went to War three  times and won every single time..

Called proudly by everyone  as  the pride  of  obelia.. The Princess born  with enormous amount of mana after nine decades  in  the obelian  Royal family

The rally reached the palace.. She get down and strided  inside.. The nobels and others stared at her in awe...

The aura of a true royal.. The way her blonde hair glowed and her doll like stoic face.. She look  so unreal to be true..

A blonde haired man smirked as he walked down clapping as he made the Princess bowing down in one knee  to stand up

"well done princess.. As expected of our pride of obelia.. You made this uncle happy "

he said patting her back with a sinister smile..

She is silent slighty bowed  and  left as soon as he dismissed

"our princess is so talented.. It's all because our majesty raised her well" one of the nobels said and he smirked

"yeah... I raised her.. Since she was seven  for fourteen  years.."he mumbled..

He walked to his room and called for someone.. He suddenly appeared from thin air and bowed to him..

" what about the thing I asked for..? "he asked and he handed him a scroll.. His smirk widened as he read the content

"  so as I expected there is a possibility to become immortal if I use the blood of  a  shenron descendants..?!!! This is amazing...  hahahaha "

He laughed loudly

" but.. Your majesty.. There is a problem in it.." he said hesitated and scared.. He stopped laughing and glared at him

" what..? "

" it's just a speculation  not a confirmed answer  and even to test it.. We have to blend the shenron blood and your family mana.. Descendants of  shenron blood  most of the times go crazy not able to control the  extreme power of the dragon in their blood .. Their mana is something a normal humans can't tolerate.. That's why most  shenrons lost their mothers  at birth.. Their lineage is endangered now  as they stopped continuing their family ..

We managed  to find the most powerful shenron in  present.. But.. We don't know how to use his power.. " he said.

Anastacius listened to everything silently and was deep in thoughts..

" we need to fuse  the shenron mana with ours you say... And the most powerful one in our  family is.. My dear niece is .."he mumbled..

A dangerous smirk appeared in his face..

" you.. Find a way to capture him.. Let's unite our families "he said smiling bright swinging his hands happily.. He bowed and left the place

" athy dear.. You are back..? "lily asked and she looked up from the bed..

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