Chapter 12

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"huh.. What a surprise..?! Did Something good happened.?.. You seems to be in good mood today..!!"

lily said smiling bright as she saw athy with a stoic face but her eyes looked a bit livelier

" hmm.. It's just.. I met a cute little boy today.. He made me happy.. He..

She paused staring at the sky in daze..

"he looked just like lucas other  than his eyes .. he is always smiling.. Such a bright kid.."

she mumbled.. Lily's hands halted as she is folding the clothes ..

" what's his name..?" she asked in a low tone.

" he said it's noa.." she mumbled and lily sighed worried...

" athy dear.. Come and eat.. "she said as she dragged her inside


Two hours ago....

" thank  god..!! Raon na.. Where did you go..?!  You scared the shit out of me.. "cabel said hugging him tight

" don't worry samchon .. Raon know how to find samchon.. Dad taught me how to use twacking (tracking) magic ..? "

he said.. Cabel stared at him Surprised as he looked to be in such a happy mood

" Haah.. You are just like your dad you smart guy .. Anyways, don't tell lucas.. He will Kill Me if he know I lost you in the crowd "cabel said as he carried him and they teleported back..

" of course I know samchon , dad won't let me go out too.."he said as he stared at the chocolate box in daze with a shy smile, his cute cheeks blushed

" by the way where did you get that box.? They looks like expensive chocolates " cabel asked as he ch ekd them for any poison.

" that.. Samchon.. Raon met an angwel today.." he said smiling bright

"huh.. An angel..?" he asked smiling as he Sat beside him..

"hmm.. She is cho beauiful and noona Is cho kind .. She is an angwel.. Raon really likes noona ." he said and giggled..

" is that so.? Seems like she is a good girl ." cabel said as lucas entered..

"you are back huh.. Did You guys had fun.? Caby why did you bought  him chocolates again..?" lucas  asked and cabel smiled sheepishly and raon sighed in  relief as his uncle played along with him.

" is she really that pretty..?" cabel asked as lucas Sit  opposite to them on  the couch..

"huh.. What are you Guys taking about..?" he asked titling his head

"today.. Our raon met  a beautiful girl.. I think He have a crush on her.. Look at him.. Blushing.. So cute.." cabel said in teasing tone and lucas throw  the pillow on cable's face

"don't talk bullshit.. He is a child.." he scolded and cabel pouted

" he said himself he likes her.. Don't you raon na..?" he asked and raon looked down cupping his cheek nodding a yes..

?" he asked and raon looked down cupping his cheek nodding a yes

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